Cobra against the Great Union of Wei

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A/N: in my opinion, the best military commanders of the Galactic Empire.

1) Grand Admiral Thrawn
2) Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin
3) Warlord Zsinj
4) General Maximilian Veers
5) General Hurst Romodi
6) Admiral Natasi Daala
7) Captain Gilad Pellaeon

-Nineveh, Akkadia, around 3-4 ABY-

The sounds of lightsabers hissing and striking were heard in one of the many training grounds built in my palace of Nineveh. I was having a sparring session with Roxanna, my most loyal and most powerful of the sith marauders and my right hand woman. I am not one to boast, usually I let others do the announcing of my titles, but I think I was pretty good in my lightsaber skills. Roxanna though, was much better than me in lightsaber combat. She was one of the best users of forms 4 and 6 and she used her athletic build, speed and agility to gain every advantage. In a sense, we had a Darth Sidious and Vader type of relationahip in which I held the greater power in the force while she was the woman in the front and better with a lightsaber. She could face the former Darth Maul in lightsaber combat and after training and honing her skills more, she went toe to toe with Darth Vader.

Our movements thanks to the physical enhancements given by the force made us move faster than what the eye could percieve. According to a sith assassin, we were and I quote, 'moving so fast we were like flashes of red lightning'. While I like to think of myself as a good lightsaber duelist, Roxanna was just better than me. She defeated me in a lightsaber sparring duel, yet again, and had her saber very close to my neck... again.

''Better luck next time, lord Salazar.'' she said in an almost mocking tone.

''Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.'' I retorted. ''You always liked showing off your skills, Roxanna.''

''You always liked it when I show off, lord Salazar.'' she replied in an almost flirty tone. I knew what she was saying.

'How can she be so casual and in front of others!?' my mind roared. ''Roxanna, behave yourself, please.''

''As you order, I shall obey.'' she replied instantly. ''I am just not as powerful in the force as you are, lord Salazar, that is why I enjoy the thrill of a lightsaber duel. It's always fun to engage with your opponent in a direct confrontation. Especially since Snoke has trained me so that my lightsabers skills will be comparable to the likes of Darth Malgus, Exar Kun and Tulak Hord.''

''In that regard, he certainly succeeded.'' I remarked at her statement. She was almost unbeatable in a lightsaber duel and if she were to fight more enemies and gain more experience, she'll truly be undefeatable in a lightsaber duel. I looked up at the clock and saw that I had more time to spare. ''There's still a little over an hour. Another match, with slight force powers this time. Do you accept?''

''Does this really need asking, my lord?'' Roxanna ignited her lightsaber and prepared her stance.

''Good.'' I muttered and charged at her. Our lightsabers made red flashes and we moved at very fast speeds that was hard for even the best droids to record properly. I jumped up and was spinning and struck but Roxanna blocked it successfully. We fought intensely and she kicked me hard a few feet away. I used a medium powered force push on her and attacked again. We fought intensely and circled around till we struck again. We fought in this sparring for another twenty minutes in which I lost but my skills were improving. I washed my sweaty body, took a clean uniform and went to give an address.

I stood in front of a small crowd of reporters and officials. In the crowd, attending the speech, were my wives and my family members, cousins and uncles and aunts, and the families of my wives. At the same time, a purge of political and military enemies and those in the criminal underworld was conducted. It was to remove them from either exposing the true power of the COBRA underworld organization, it's true size, money and assets, and to finish military leaders who undermined my orders. Then, a reporter had asked regarding the recent executions of rebel leaders that were captured in their failed Mid-Rim Offensive.

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