The pirate war for Pantora

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               -pirate space station-

My plan to gather more intel regarding the 9 penny kings was to be captured. Of course, meeting one of the pirate lords and then secretly meeting him and leaking the info to his comrades after their defeat was part of the plan. My agents leaked information regarding this meeting and made the pirate whom I met seem like a traitor who conspired against them. The other leaders wanted me alive to be used as a bargaining tool since I was a high ranking imperial and one of the richest men in the galaxy. I was taken to their ships, stasis cuffs on my hands, to be detained in their ships. Little did they know however, Ereshkigal had snuck aboard their ships using her advanced cloaking tech.

I was put in their highest security cell with over 20 armed guards aboard a Clone Wars era battlestation. Old and rusty was this battlestation but it can still serve it's purpose. I used the force to see Ereshkigal's progress and she did not disappoint. She had placed detonators in the armory, shields and cantina and she slaughtered the crew on the command station. She turned off the defense cannons and the shields around my cell and she turned on her invisibilty and walked to where I was. She slit the throat of a guard then moved in to kill 3 more. The others started randomly but her pure adarite body made the blaster bolts useless. She shot 4 purple bolts at the guards and then took out her katana lightsabers. She charged and cut the guards into multiple pieces and then shot the remaining. Ereshkigal blew up the parts of the ship he planted detonators on just as reinforcements arrived.

Roxanna aboard a small fighter craft, along with 4 more, entered the pirate's space. She rushed into the station, ignoring the warnings given to her and her team dodged the incoming fire. She pressed a button which split her ship into 5 parts. Her crew did the same. The other 4 parts of each ship flew directly to their targets, destroying them while they in their cockpits entered the hanger. Roxanna took out her lightsaber and cut down the pirates. The other 4 who were cobra troopers came out and started blasting as well. She cut dozens in half and they made their way towards me and Ereshkigal.

Ereshkigal took out 4 detonators and placed them at the door. The bombs exploded and the guards protecting me were on high alert. Ereshkigal threw smoke bombs that clouded their vision and the she jumped at a guard, impaling him with her blades. She jumped up as the guards shot, the bolts hitting the other guards as she jumped and she threw daggers at 4 guards. She shot at the last remaining guards till none were left. She smirked as she cut the cell open and I was free. ''Ereshkigal. Never a doubt.'' I said to her, congratulating her for continuing to live up to my expectations.

''My lord.'' she bowed her head down and she gave me my lightsaber and blaster pistol back.

''Did you get the necessary information?'' I asked her.

''Yes, my lord. The locations of all the other penny kings is now known. You can eliminate them whenever you wish.''

''Good. Let us get out of this station, my loyal servant.'' I said as we waited till Roxanna arrived and because there was at least 30 blasters pointed at us.

''Shoot anybody and anything that walks out through that door. I don't care if it is fucking Salazar Covraii or a bantha. Just blow the living shit outta whatever that crawls out of that room!'' shouted the leader of the pirates to his men. Just as he and his men were waiting, 4 bombs entered the hallway. ''Oh shit.'' the pirate muttered as the bombs exploded and all of them were blown to pieces. Ereshkigal and I walked out and saw Roxanna entering the hallway with a cobra trooper.

''Roxanna. Did you inform the fleet?'' I asked and she gave a slight chuckle.

''Straight to business I see, my lord. The 9th fleet should be here at anytime.'' she said as the sounds of explosions were heard. ''That's the imperial fleet I reckon.''

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