Zaarin's failed coup

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A/N: a comment asked me if I could list the mc, Salazar Covraii's powers and abilities. It's mostly just the standard sith force abilities like force choke, push, pull, mind trick, pyrokinesis and force lightning but includes some unique abilities like force storm, force drain and absorption, phase, sith necromancy, knowledge regarding ancient sith secrets including essence transfer, force phantom and deadly sight. He also has knowledge in sith alchemy and sorcery as well.

Force storm is making force lightning into a storm that is capable of engulfing fleets of warships. In legends, this was so powerful it more or less destroyed the Eclipse. Force drain is to drain your opponent's life force while force absorption allows you to more or less absorb blaster bolts and lightsaber strikes. Phase is to quite literally phase through objects, sith necromancy is what it sounds like, force phantom is the ability to summon phantom spirits to do your bidding and deadly sight is to just hate your enemy so much that your power will just kill them for you.


I was inside the senator of Akkadia's office on Coruscant discussing some very important things. As we were discussing, my old friend from the academy, ISB agent Priscilla Roth, entered the room. ''Excuse me senator but I have some things I want to- Salazar! You're here.'' she exclaimed upon seeing me.

''Prisca. So good to see you again. Haven't seen you after the spice deal about 2 years back.'' I said as I greeted her. ''You have business with my planet's senator I see. Well, we've just finished discussing and I'll take my leav-''

''No, wait, Sal. It's about you. I wanted to meet the senator to ask when I can meet you but since you're here, might as well do it.''

''I see. I'm... not busy at the moment or will be for the rest of the day so I'm all yours.'' I said and got up my seat. ''I think we can discuss elsewhere if that is fine with you. Senator, I bid you farewell.''

''Of course, my lord duke.'' the senator bowed his head in respect as we walked out his office.

''So... what's this thing you wanted to discuss with me, Prisca? Did colonel Yularen have information for me?'' I asked her.

''No sadly. I'm sorry if it's bugging you, being busy with all this managing and war, but... my father wishes to discuss some business deals and proposals for you, Sal. He hopes that you can help my family and mine can help yours.'' Prisca told me though I felt something which she refused to elaborate on. I chose not to force her.

''I would be happy to discuss with a man as accomplished as your father, Prisca. His name was Everett Roth was it? I believe we can talk things smoothly. Say, are you busy today? Being an ISB agent and all.''

''No. I'm on leave for now but I'm helping my father here on Coruscant. He doesn't have anything else for me to do, so I'm free.''

''Care to join me for lunch? My treat.'' I offered and she delightfully accepted. I took her to a famed restaurant where we talked about each other's works. All the stuff that was okay to be casually said and not classified secrets. ''So, how's work in the ISB? There's rumors you might be the next head should Colonel Yularen retire.''

''Don't know about that. He and I are close friends and he sees me as one of the best agents and officers in the ISB. Don't know about that though since I don't have much experience in running the day-to-day tasks.''

''I see.''

''What about you, Sal? How's the war on Umbara going? I hear you're going to return after next week. I'm certain you will win this one like you did Mimban, Samovar, Naboo and Kamino.''

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