State of the war

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A/N: at the making of this chapter, the first option from the previous chapter got the most commented and asked for. 'Cobra wins, rules the galaxy and kill the jedi and republic'. Unless the other two options suddenly got more asked for, option 1 is more likely where it's going. I can honestly write in all 3 scenarios but I want to let my viewers decide.

Also, should I write a fic about Star Wars reacting to this story and characters from this one (mainly Salazar) watch the sequels? Have him rant continously on how bad the tactics used in ep 8 and 9 are? Your choice.

   -Republic base, classified location-

Fallen! Fallen is the great Coruscant
Down to the ashes she falls, doomed to it's fate
In it's splendour and beauty did it enslave the rest of the galaxy
Her children became proud and haughty
'No one can match me. An eternal queen I am.' you said to yourself
But fire has consumed you
Sacked once more, fallen to the ground in your humiliation

Bleeding is Corellia. For many ages, the center of building but gone to ruin is you.
Plundered is Kuat for the betrayal of your master. You sold your master for a new one and the vengeance of old has returned.
Mon Cala bleeds to the devastation that is brought.
Mandalore is laid bare, their seed is not.
Onto ruin has the New Republic fell. Yes! They have gone down to ruin

"So is written in a victory record of Grand General Salazar Covraii.'' said a Republic officer. ''He's boasting about his victories.''

''We need to coordinate our attacks now.'' Leia said to the other commanders. ''Our advantage against Cobra is that they don't know about the shadow feed network or the new Endor class battlecruisers and viscount class star defenders. We need to coordinate and strike if we are to win this war.''


                  -Nineveh, Akkadia-

Ah, how I missed my palace of Nineveh on my homeworld. The obsidian walls, the finely crafted pillars, the pieces of art displayed, the furniture and my bed. It had been seven years since I returned home and I missed so much. However, celebration and the welcome home party could wait. This was the biggest war I had ever fought and it went... not as smoothly as I hoped it did.

The endor class battlecruisers were three kilometer long ships meant to fight two imperial star destroyers and win. The viscount class star defender was a 17,500 km long ship with the firepower comparable to an executor class super star destroyer. These ships weren't known to Prisca's secret agents until the near activation of Operation: Abyssal Rise. Had they been known, the whole operation had to redrawn and rewritten all over. System occupying fleets made now had to actively participate in some battles. At least the SS could hold some ground and recruitment of local militia who were loyal to the former Galactic Empire could be trusted.

''Perhaps mistress Roth's agents weren't as good as she claimed they were, my lord.'' Roxanna said to me in my throne room.

''It's not like I could've known whether or not the New Republic would suddenly start a purge.'' Prisca retorted.

''Enough of this back and forth bickering.'' I said from my throne. ''We are at war and we should be putting our focus on our enemies, not at each other.''

''I'm sorry, Sal. I'm an intelligence director not a strategist.''

''And I'm not asking you to be one. I'm asking you to continue, Prisca. Tell me, are the concubines and children of Palpatine dead?''

''All of them. One of his concubines was training her son, even turning him into a cyborg named Nyrax. Killed shortly after their discovery. Another one, a clone of Palpatine, his wife and their daughter, dead.''

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