Spice deal

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''Will you be leaving for Kish soon, Salazar?'' asked my aunt as she entered my room and saw me put on my imperial uniform.

''Yes aunt. It is crucial that I get the spice deal with the Makluans of Kish. The empire depends upon me.'' I replied as I put on my rank insignia plack.

''Be careful, Salazar. The Makluans are not the kindest of peoples but they are greedy. If it is wealth that they desire, then there should be no problem. Remember that not every conflict is won through violence.'' she adviced me and I nodded my head in understand.

''I understand, aunt. You taught me much of the realm of politics. You speak as if you doubt me.''

''Oh, I don't doubt you. Only afraid that you might be demoted or... killed.''

''I won't aunt. I promise.'' I said then left my room to the imperial garrison.

''Colonel Salazar.'' said major Gren who greeted me when I arrived at the garrison. ''Your personal cruiser is ready for takeoff along with the 17th stormtrooper legion.''

''Excellent, major Gren. We move out in 5 minutes.''

''Hey, Sal! Over here!'' I heard my best friend Gary shout my name. ''Look who wants to meet you.''

I turned my head and saw someone I had not seen for a long time. Priscilla Roth, now an agent of the ISB. ''Prisca? It's been years. What are you doing here?''

''Hi Salazar. I've missed you. I was sent here by the ISB to oversee the spice deal with a detachment of stormtroopers. My, you've grown.'' she told me as she walked over to my side.

''You too. More beautiful that is.'' I said and my face blushed immediately in embarrasement. 'Fool, why'd you say that!?' my mind roared at me.

''So, I've heard you won the empire 2 wars.'' she said while blushing a bit, trying to forget what I said. ''Really a great feat since no other commander has won 2 wars by themselves. And you're not even 20!''

''Please you're embarrasing me. It was the troops who made it happen. I just led them to victory.'' I replied.

''Okay you two lovebirds. We have a mission to do and you can work on the date at a later time.'' Gary said and I got a tadbit angry.

''We're not in love, Gary!'' I retorted.

''Oh. Is that so?'' he asked sarcastically.

''Shut it, Gary. I'm the superior officer, remember?''

''Uses rank to shut me up. Real mature.''

''I'll remember this for a long time, Gary. I swear I'll make you pay.''

''Oh I'm so afraid.'' Gary remarked as we boarded the Morning-Star and left for Kish.

-Kish, Assur system-

The lambda class shuttles dropped us off at the only city on the planet, Uruk. A medium sized city with barely 50,000 occupants, Uruk was protected by high walls that stopped the harsh sand winds from coming into the city. Upon leaving, we made our way to the small garrison there to expect the Makluan envoys.

''Sir, are you certain we can get the spice deal?'' Major Gren whispered to me.

''I am certain of it, major. I understand the Makluan people. Their language, culture, history and more. You just need a little faith.'' I replied and the major nodded.

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