Fields of Akkadia

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   -Hall of Sovereigns, Canto Bight-

Deep in the heart of Canto Bight was the Hall of Sovereigns. After my successful mission in getting the spice deal, a secret meeting in the underworld was to be held. My aunt, now the duchess since House Covraii got elevated to a higher position of power, had to attend this meeting. And I too was also needed. Hutts, Weequay pirates, Pyke Syndicate, the Black Sun and many more organizations of the galaxy's crime underworld were there. Since the Covraii Mining Guild was a legal cooperation, the mutiple factions wanted a share in the profits and spice production.

All aristocrats of Akkadia having lost much influence in the realm of politics, my aunt became the ruler of Akkadia. Officially and unofficially. An attack on her meant bringing in the wrath of the empire since she was the planetary government. This prompted her to make the family from a county to a duchy.

The main point of discussion was the spice. Now that the Makluans were cooperating with my family, House Covraii, it meant endless credits us. Many wanted a partnership but there were so many bitter rivalries that an all out spice war might ensue that could lead to the destruction of these organizations, House Covraii included. My aunt knew the risks so she had to make sure her work did not crumble into dust.

In the meeting, it was decided that 2 Hutts named Gardulla and Jabba along with the Black Sun were to have a share in the illegal spice trade. This decision no doubt infuriated the Pykes and other smuggler clans and pirate guilds. I knew my aunt was up to something. She wouldn't make a decision like this if she didn't have an ulterior motive. Even stranger was that House Heron and House Romtower, strong rivals of my family, had shares in the company. She had a plan, I was certain of it!

As we walked out, I asked her, ''Aunt, what is your motive in choosing the Black Sun over the Pykes?''

''My nephew, '' she began, ''remember what I told you before you entered the academy?''

''Chaos is a ladder. If we know how to take advantage of it, we can use it to climb society. Is that your plan?''

''Yes!'' she exclaimed in a happy, proud tone. ''The Pykes will no doubt start an underworld war on the Black Sun for the spice. And other noble houses will take action against the Herons and Romtowers. I have taken careful steps to ensure our family's plot remains hidden. The attacking houses will be demonized, our rivals dead all the while we grow more powerful.''

''Chaos truly is a ladder. One that we can use to climb. But what about our subordinates? Will they survive?''

''Collateral damage, dear nephew. Nothing more.'' she replied without a care.

''Seems harsh.''

''We have many subordinates, my dear nephew. I asked them to follow us, to do our bidding but I've never asked for their trust. I told them not to trust anyone, including myself but... it seems their delusions of wanting to prove themselves get the better of them. To think they can outlive their usefulness. All creatures live to obey, Salazar, remember that. No one can survive without trusting someone. Someone they feel is better, more worthy than themselves. It's how all leaders are made, to the point of near godhood.''

I took in her words in understanding. She was always ruthless, manipulative and cunning and she made sure I learned every bit from her. But she was kind to her loved ones, especially family. I opened the airspeeder limo and she entered. I too entered and closed the door as the airspeeder took off to our ship.

Not too far away from the Hall of Sovereigns was a woman dressed in a black and red attire. She watched as we left the Hall. She turned on her comm link to contact her master. ''The target has left Canto Bight, supreme leader.''

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