Mandalore rebels

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              -19 BBY, Clone Wars-

The symbol of the leviathan, a gigantic sea monster that was chaos personified according to Akkadian mythology and belief

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The symbol of the leviathan, a gigantic sea monster that was chaos personified according to Akkadian mythology and belief. Many families of Akkadia would use a symbol of the leviathan in different forms and the Covraii family was one such family. A normal symbol (or sigil) among hundreds but no one could guess it would be one of the most feared symbols in galactic symbol. It would later become the emblem of the later feared imperial 17th legion over a decade later and was etched on the Morning-Star, one of the most powerful and feared ships in existence.

Captain Rex along with his 501st legion and General Anakin Skywalker were tasked to occupy Akkadia and protect it from the separatists. The spice melange was too valuable a resource to lose. The people were not so welcoming of the clones but at least the war like Akkadiand didn't fight like the Umbarans. That would be a massacre on both sides. The republic set up base in the capital city of Akkad and units were deployed to gain the trust of locals. Captain Rex in one such town, trying to win the people's loyalty and was on somewhat good terms with the town leaders. Among them a skilled mechanic named Andronicus Covraii.

It was night and Captain Rex saw Andronicus approaching him. ''Good evening captain. I am here to ask if you would join us for dinner.'' Andronicus said.

''We would love to but... I thought the natives hate us. Why the sudden shift in attitude?'' Captain Rex asked.

''Do not misunderstand, captain. Akkadia does not like the republic. We see it as corrupt and run by greedy politicians and elites. They have ignored the struggles of people everywhere. Despite that, you are guests in our home. Our traditions forbids us to kill guests in times of peace. That and it is the Festival of Gathering Stars where the monthly fast ends and hostilities are set aside. I ask again, will you join me?''

''Well... I'm starving anyways but I won't eat if my men aren't invited.'' Captain Rex said.

''In the festival, all are invited.'' Andronicus said and the clones followed to enjoy a well made Akkadian feast. ''Salazar!'' Andronicus called out to his young son. ''Go to your mother.'' he ordered. ''Children. So eager to learn of the old ways.'' Andronicus remarked.

''I never got to mention this but thank you for fixing our ships for us. Even General Skywalker was amazed by your skills.''

''You flatter me, captain. By the guidance of the gods, I help those in need with all the best of my abilities. To guests on our planet, we are eager to help. I pray to Enki that he give my son knowledge. I also pray to Ishtar so that he may be fruitful, Marduk for guidance and Nergal for strength in the battlefield. Just as I pray for my son, I pray that you lead a fruitful and prosporous life, captain.''

''Thank you, advisor Andronicus.'' the clone captain showed his gratitude though he wasn't religious himself. ''I take it you love your son.''

''As should any parent, captain. He is my pride and joy, the legacy of the Covraii family. The priests tell of prophecies in which he will bring greatness to all of Akkadia. He learns fast but he is quiet, extremely anti social and keeps to himself. He has a fascination of history and wars and I only pray he doesn't misuse his gifts.'' Andronicus said and they arrived at the feast to eat and drink.

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