Criminal threats

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A/N: the apollyon class star destroyer looks like a FO resurgent class without the gap in the ship's design and fit the specs as given to Palpatine. The first 800 meters of the ship will open similar to a crab claw and the axial super laser cannon will come out. Unlike the xyston's cannon, the axial cannon of the apollyon is not capable of destroying a planet but rather, the apollyon's dark blue laser will cause a chemical chain reaction, turning the surface of a planet into glass and killing all life, organic or droid.

Ship: apollyon class star destroyer
Length: 7,500 meters
Width: 4,000 meters
Height: 2,340 meters
Engines: 3 ion engines, 8 sublight engines
Armament: 2,500 quad turbo lasers, 2,000 ion cannons, 1,000 ventral missile launchers, 900 point defense turrets, 50 mega-caliber 5 heavy cannons and 1 axial super laser.
Crew: 8,550 officers with 25,200 wraith troopers.
Fighter compliment: 1,680 ships. 1,100 Tie annihlators, 300 gunships and 280 bombers.
Cargo capacity: 144,000 metric tons
Additional data: can carry upto 15 AT-HFWs, 45 AT-VSs and 5 FT-STs with 30 tanks and 1 deployable garrison.

Ship: sovereign class star carrier.
Length: 29,000 meters
Width: 5,500 meters
Height: 4,480 meters
Engines: 5 ion engines and 12 sublight engines
Armament: 10,000 quad turbo lasers, 10,000 ion cannons, 2,000 ventral cannons, 7,890 point defense turrets and 120 mega caliber 5 cannons.
Fighter compliment: 12,600. 8,000 Tie annihlators, 1,200 gunships and 3,400 bombers.
Crew: 45,000 officers with 371,000 wraith troopers.
Cargo capacity: 5,000,000 metric tons.
Additional data: can carry 240 AT-HFWs, 450 AT-VSs, 75 FT-STs and 5 garrisons.

Also, Jar Jar Binks was a much better military leader than admiral Holdo or general Hux ever were.


I stared down at the former sith named Maul as my troopers surrounded him and his Crimson Dawn. I jumped down and Roxanna was by my side. ''My lord, you arrived.'' she said.

''Did you win?'' I asked my sith marauder.

''A draw at best. He's better with a saber though my powers in the force far exceed his. Surprising considering he's only half a sith.'' Roxanna replied.

''Just as I expected then.'' I told Roxanna as I took the holocron from Maul. The former sith ignited his lightsaber to attack me but I pushed him back using the force. I pushed all the Crimson Dawn members and dropped the building down on them. ''We have what I want. We go back to Nineveh.'' I said and we left Raxus using the infinity gate.

              -Nineveh, Akkadia-

''So this is your palace my lord. My first time seeing it in all it's glory. Truly a magnificent sight, especially compared to the citadel on Exegol.'' Roxanna said as she saw Nineveh in all it's beauty and splendor.

''You are welcome to explore all you want, Roxanna. Just be sure not to accidentally slice or crush anything.'' I told Roxanna just as Raggal came to me with a holo message. It was the Pyke Syndicate on the other side. ''Ah. If it isn't the Pykes. What a pleasant surprise. What may I do for you?''

''We have learned how you are the rumored Cobra commander, leader of the new COBRA organization and have the Black Sun's total loyalty.'' the Pyke leader said to me through the holonet.

''Word gets by fast doesn't it?'' I remarked.

''Underworld is a small community, general Covraii. The Pykes want no war on our part against you. We... want to join you.''

I sensed their fear and willingness to submit themselves under my authority. ''Consider it done.'' I said and the hologram ended. ''How goes the hunting, Raggal?''

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