The Cobra-New Republic war

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A/N: what your preferred outcome of the war?

1) Cobra wins, rules the galaxy, kill all the jedi and Republic

2) Cobra wins but allows the jedi, Han, Leia and other beloved characters to live in peace

3) Cobra and New Republic agree on peace and split the galaxy.

  -Republic base, classified location-

''What do you mean we just lost communication with the Hosnian system?'' Leia Organa, rebel general demanded from her technicians.

''We just lost communications, ma'am. It was as if... the system just disappeared. We lost communications with dozens of systems as well.'' the technician replied.

''Let me see.'' Leia demanded and saw what the techinician said was indeed true, much to her confusion and fear. Systems across major hyperspace lanes like the Hydian Way and Corellian trade route just... disappeared. ''Try getting it back online and don't stop until we know what the heck happened.''

''Leia, Leia, calm down.'' her lover and rebel commander, Han Solo, said to Leia. ''You're stressing yourself too much. Take a deep breath, Leia. Just a deep breath. Now, what happened that made you so worried?''

''We lost all communications with the Hosnian system, Han. Not just that but dozens of worlds along major hyperspace routes.'' Leia said and Han Solo could see the gravity of the situation. Losing communications was terrible in times of war, especially for a government.

''General Organa, we recieved word that... Hosnian Prime was destroyed.'' a technician said, shocking everyone.

''WHAT!?'' Leia nearly shouted upon hearing the news. ''Destroyed? But how? Who did it?''

Then, incoming transmissions entered their holonet screens to reveal a galaxy wide message. ''Good morning everyone. Many of you presume me dead as it has been seven years since any real proof of me has been known to the general public. In case you forgot who I am... my name is Salazar Covraii. Warlord of the empire, grand general of the imperial armed forces and grand moff of the Outer Rim. I also go by another name: Cobra Commander and I am the leader and founder of Cobra, the largest splinter faction of the empire.''

Leia, Han and the entire Republic personnal stationed were shocked to learn that Grand General Salazar Covraii of Akkadia was indeed alive all this time. This, to the New Republic, was a moral blow much like the reveal of Thrawn. It meant that as the highest ranking imperial currently alive, he was the legitimate heir to the empire. This also meant that he was responsible for the destruction of the Hosnian system.

''Many of you are wondering if I destroyed Hosnian Prime and it's system. The answer is a definitive... yes. As Grand General, Grand Moff and the only one alive to have earned the title of warlord, I am now the heir to the empire. My campaign starts now. The forces of Cobra have moved and your planets have let their guard down. The largest portion of your navy destroyed in a manner of minutes. My army marches now and there will be no surrender on your side. The illegitimate New Republic will fall and Cobra will rule for eternity.'' the message ended and Leia quickly ordered her forces for mobilization.

''Get communications back online, now! Tell the fleet to prepare to jump to the nearest Republic system and get Luke on the comm link now!''


In the senate building were the surviving senators of the many systems and planets with Supreme Chancellor Mon Mothma. They were not on Hosnian Prime when it fell. It was the 3rd day of the Cobra-New Republic war and the situation was grim for the Republic. Almost instantly, on hundreds of planets were ships the likes of which the galaxy had never seen. The message that could be transmitted to them was devastating to hear for them. Kuat, the main starfighter and ship production facility of the Republic was the sight of a bloody battle. Mon Cala was bleeding and many more star systems were in trouble.

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