The insurgent war of Sullust

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A/N: the Tie fighter pilots and technicians/ turret gunners of the 9th fleet and 17th legion look like First Order pilots and navy engineers. The same is also true for the Sith Eternal. Just wanted to say it before I forget.               

                   -imperial senate-

2 weeks had passed since the conclusion of the war between the Galactic Empire and the Hapes Consortium. The result was a decisive victory for the empire. Many patrotic and loyal citizens cheered at the ongoing strings of victory. However, not everyone was happy. The Chandrilan senator, Mon Mothma had called in the imperial senate for a decision. A decision to put one High General Salazar Covraii on trial for war crimes against the peoples of Mimban, Naboo, Umbara and the Hapans.

Most members of the imperial senate were against her however. To Mon Mothma, Salazar Covraii posed a serious danger to her plans of unifying the multiple rebel factions into one alliance. She felt the Akkadian general was among the few who can threaten a well organized rebellion. Given the general's brutal history, she believed that she could convince the senate to vote for general Covraii to be on trial and maybe put out of service. The same thing happened to admiral Rampart years earlier.

With Bail Organa's help, she was certain the senate would side with her but the one to destroy her hopes was senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora. The Pantoran senator was grateful for general Covraii as he helped her people in times of crisis. Pantora would not be what it was currently had it not been for his intervention. With her opposition, the senate voted against the trial.

With that, Mon Mothma left the senate building, defeated and unable to give the rebels the edge they needed.

               -Nineveh, Akkadia-

2 weeks after my victory against the Hapans. Mimban, Samovar, Naboo, Kamino, Umbara, the 9 penny kings and now the Hapes Consortium. I won 7 wars for the empire in about 5-6 years of continual service. After my victory, I thought my life would be easier, thought I wouldn't be so busy and I would have some time to rest but the force decided to give me the middle finger. After I returned to Akkadia, there was a ton of work needed to be done. Not just for the Covraii company but also for the 17th legion, Akkadia's administration along with the Assur system and all of Seswenna since I was the moff. I barely slept for the past 8 days, barely sleeping past 3 hours. It was tiresome. My hair was messy and there were dark lines on my eyes which showed that I haven't slept properly. 

In my office at Nineveh, the large fortress castle of House Covraii and the 17th legion, I sat on my chair in my dark, secluded room. My body faced the other side, cloaked by the darkness as I didn't want people to see my exhausted self. Talking to me via a holographic message was Gar Saxon, viceroy of Mandalore. Apparently he wanted my help in dealing with pesky rebellions back on his planet. ''So... you... want my help... is that it... viceroy?'' I said in my tired voice, not bothering to look at the Mandalorian.

I could sense fear and nervousness radiating from the man. He was obviously nervous and scared but mustered the courage to contact me. Despite being the younger of the two, I held greater authority and power and Saxon knew it. ''Yes, General Covraii. Your 17th legion may very well be the most capable of eliminating these rebels. The memory of the war between the Akkadians and how Mandalore lost the war over 1,700 years ago is still fresh in our minds.'' Gar Saxon told me.

''To think a Mandalorian would ask an Akkadian for help. The ancients wouldn't believe it. I will speak with Grand Moff Tarkin first and then deploy to Mandalore.'' I said and ended the transmission. I was no fool. I knew of Saxon's unpopularity among his people was one of the driving factors in the constant Mandalorian riots and rebellions. To think he would seek from an Akkadian of a people. No matter. I am always up for the thrill of war. It is in the blood of Akkadia after all.

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