Raze of the Hapan capital

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The shadow LAAT gunships of my 17th legion and hundreds of imperial LAAT patrol gunships dropped near the capital city of the Hapes Consortium to begin the attack. The assault was to be done on 6 sides while I lead a strike team to take the Hapes Key, a device that allowed access to the drilling devices for harvesting the power of a star. I was to lead this team with Roxanna, Ereshkigal and my death troopers while captain Kassus lead the armies to burn this city. Right now, hundreds of Tie fighters, Tie interceptors and Tie bombers flew in while dropships dropped troops and walkers.

''Captain Kassus, you are in command of the 4th army and 12th armored division. Captain Kyse, you will lead the air strikes. Take the enemy head on while my strike team infiltrate from the observatory and then to their monarch's castle.'' I told the two captains as the Endless Night landed and me and my team came out to do our part.

''You can count on me, general.'' captain Kassus reassured me and I heard him blasting the Hapans.

''May I ask why we are not joining the main fight, my lord?'' Roxanna asked.

''We need to get the Hapes Key.'' I replied.

''The Hapes Key?''

''It is a device that will give our lord access to the stellar drill technology. It is a machine capable of harvesting the energy of a star and make it as fuel. Far more effective than a solar panel. Our lord has use for them.'' Ereshkigal explained.

''Basically what Ereshkigal said. Now, prepare your weapons. The Hapans know we are here.'' I said and we took out our blasters to fire at the Hapans.

''Wasn't it the captain's job to take care of these nuisance, my lord?'' Roxanna asked.

''It seems the Hapans aren't foolish enough to leave the stellar galleries and observatory undefended. Must be quite the exotic pieces of art.'' I said and we started blasting at the Hapan defenses. The death troopers took cover and one of them flew up via his jetpack and shot a rocket at a Hapan turret. Another death trooper ran towards the Hapans and shot the confused enemies. He threw grenades which killed most of them and used a Hapan heavy machine gun to kill the remaining. The rest of us came down to get deeper into the city.

The death trooper threw a grenade in the hallway which killed 3 Hapan soldiers. He came out and blasted 3 more to death. He flew up and used his wrist-mounted flame thrower to burn a Hapan then sniped 2 more. We made a turn and came upon a blocked door. The death troopers threw grenades and in the confusion, I leapt forward with my lightsaber and behead 2 Hapans while the rest were gunned down. We walked through the door and I saw the city burning before my eyes. Tie fighters screaming overhead as Hapan starfighters tried their best to outmaneuver the endless hordes of Tie fighters. Ereshkigal then connected herself with the city's mainframe to give us an advantage.

''Lord Salazar, the stellar galleries is over there, just outside this observatory. It is heavily guarded by snipers and defense turrets.'' Ereshkigal informed and I nodded my head in understanding.

''Give me the exact coordinates.'' I ordered Ereshkigal and she gave me the coordinates. ''Kyse, bring in Tie bombers to this area. I want it destroyed.''

''You got it, general. Bombers away.'' Kyse said and he relayed the order to the bombers. Within two minutes, Tie bombers came and blew the defenses to scrap. None were left alive by the bombing run.

''We move.'' I ordered and we made our way through the rubble and then the door of the stellar galleries. Where the Hapes Key was guarded. Ereshkigal tried to hack into it but said it required a few more minutes. ''No need to waste yourself, Ereshkigal. Roxanna, help me bring this down.''

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