The far outsiders

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About 3 weeks since the Vandor incident, the 17th legion was tasked to hunt down a pirate crew that stole from an imperial transport. Admiral Rydge was in charge of operations and his tactics were terrible. He was born to a rich, core world elite family with a prestigious company and it allowed him to buy his way up the admiralty. It also made him proud and viewed his subordinates, especially those from Mid-Outer Rim as beneath him. Just dust off his boots. It shouldn't come as a surprise when one of his underlings, a colonel from the Outer Rim, was more successful than him, he'd be jealous.

In our newest mission, when he ordered that we just run into the pirate base which would've resulted in hundreds of casualties, I objected. I ordered an AT-AT to breach the wall and Tie fighters to bombard the base. Next we used caution while entering and gunned down every pirate, which gave us victory over them. Naturally, he was angry that it was not he who got the glory and this is where we are.

''You disobeyed my orders again, colonel Covraii.'' Admiral Rydge said to me.

''With all due respect, admiral, your plan would've costed us hundreds.'' I retorted back.

''I am your superior officer and you will do as I order you to, colonel! This is the 3rd time you disobeyed me and I'm going to punish you. Pack your stuff. You will be on the outpost of Ru'laan in the galactic edge for a month.'' Admiral Rydge said and everyone was shocked to hear it.

''You can't do this! It's not-'' I tried protesting.

''I can and I will. Outer Rim peasants like you need to learn discipline. Now get out of my sight. Thinks you can outrank me just because he won 2 wars. Well I outrank you and you'll do as I command.'' Admiral Rydge roared and I left, my death troopers behind me. ''Wait, death troopers, stay here. Hey didn't you hear what I said?'' Admiral Rydge put his hand on a death trooper's shoulders which earned him a slap from the trooper. The death trooper stared at him and Admiral Rydge shivered in fear. ''I'm the admiral here. I order you to be on this ship and stop glaring at me at once!''

''You should understand, admiral, that death troopers are loyal to whoever they're assigned to protect. In this case, it's me so if I go to Ru'laan, they go with me. Come on boys, he's not worth it.'' I said and the death troopers left with me.

''Admiral Rydge.'' captain Gary called out to the admiral. ''Permission to join colonel Covraii in his punishment.''

''Get out of my sight, Strave!'' Admiral Rydge roared at Gary who delightfully went away. After packing up my stuff, I and the death troopers boarded a Lambda shuttle where Gary came in.

''Gary? What are you doing here?'' I asked seeing Gary's belongings.

''Joining you of course.'' Gary replied.

''You didn't have to, Gary.''

''Ah, stop it. We're best friends aren't we? You stuck up for me during the academy and saved my career numerous times. It's only fair I help you in times like these.''

''I appreciate it, Gary. I really do.'' I said as the shuttle took off and we made for the small garrison on Ru'laan.


A small mountainous planet with some mild deserts, Ru'laan stood at the galactic edge. The small garrison was manned by a group of researchers and scientists along with 23 troopers. I noticed a Tie interceptor near the shuttle and while I suspected Admiral Rydge sent it to shoot me down, it did not strangely enough. The pilot put it the codes but the garrison would not open it's doors. So I ordered the pilot to land us near the garrison instead.

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