Umbara campaign

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This happened a full day before the Umbaran campaign in which I was to leave. I wore a disguise to look like an old man. This was done because of a plan I had. Weeks back, I had befriended the son of the Belosar senator. The Belosari senator named Tykus Lee was one of the many individuals who were against a 'Outer-Rim nobody' have such prestige in the imperial military. He had sent his son, Nymo Lee, to the best school on Coruscant since he had friends in high places and was a powerful senator. But, he had been growing anxious since an unknown man (i.e me) had been meeting his son and was possibly influencing him, which was partially true. Of course, I had bigger plans in this motive of mine.

As I sat on a desk, the young 9 year old ran to me. ''Good afternoon young master Lee. Was school fun? Did you learn anything new?'' I said in a grandfather like voice thanks to my vocoder.

''Indeed, mr. Cobwell. I learned all sorts of things. We had a test today and I got the highest score! Can you believe it?'' the young boy said in childish innocence.

''Oh my. You are so smart for your age. I'll treat you to your favourite ice cream today, young master.'' I said and the boy was happy to hear it. He walked eagerly to the ice cream store and I could see his father's secret agents watching from afar. I smirked as they would try to reach me but ultimately fail again.

That night on Coruscant, senator Tykus was in his office scolding his agents for failing to catch the old man known only as 'mr. Cobwell'. After doing so he leaned in his chair and contemplated his options. I decided to reveal myself and turned on the lights. ''My, my, senator Lee. You don't look so good. Care for a drink?'' I asked and the man tried desparately to get a blaster or call the alarms. ''The blaster in your drawer is taken and your signals are jammed. No one is coming or leaving. It's just us.''

''General Covraii.'' the senator said in obvious fear. ''To what do I owe the unexpected visit from a renowned war hero like yourself?'' he asked, trying to act friendly and it was laughable.

''No need for a facade, senator. Everyone knows you dislike me. You and your friends just don't like that I am just getting the glory and prestige through hard work and talent unlike your relatives who bribed their way into the ranks of the military. You and your kind are the reasons I have not been promoted despite my victories in Mimban and Samovar. You stopped my progress to climbing the imperial hierarchy for 2 years but no more. I had to put up with your incompetent friend, Carndo Rydge, for far too long and I have enough of it. You will stop your hostilities or I will kill your son.'' I threatened the senator who was obviously angry.

''You monster! He's just a child! Leave him out of this! That man... Cobwell, he's your agent isn't he?'' the senator shouted in anger and I laughed. His son, the most precious thing in his life after his late wife's death, was what made his life worth living and his one weakness. I then force choked him and lifted him up in the air.

''No. I am Cobwell. And monster hardly describes the military commanders of the empire. We are forced to do atrocities for the sake of the empire. Some like me have no choice while others enjoy it. As I said, I don't enjoy these things but if it means completing a task, I will do it. Victory comes at a price, senator, and I am willing to pay that price. You and your friends believe you have all the power but no. The real power lies in two groups of people who have one power and you all are just products of the feud between the two. It's high time you realize just how insignificant you truly are. Remember this, you will stop your open hostilities towards me and I spare your son. Your friends have recieved the same warning already so don't think of anything drastic, senator. Do so and I will make you beg for death.'' I said and walked out the room, knowing the senator and his friends were dealth with. For now at least.

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