Rebel frontiers part 2

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           -royal palace, Shu-Torun-

''My, princess Leia, you don't look too happy.'' I said as I walked closer. Two death troopers behind me and they guarded the exit.

''Wish I could share your sentiment, Grand Genral Covraii.'' Leia retorted back. ''I didn't know Tarkin's dog was here to fill in his shoes.''

''You call me a dog and yet for every one victory you have, I win three more. How's your father, Bail Organa? Oh wait, he's atoms by now.'' I replied and Leia got angry at that. ''You know what the empire did to gain queen Trios' allegiance? Darth Vader personally came here, fought his way through an army of assassins and traps all the while his secret droids eliminated the king and his other daughters. Queen Trios was crowned but what solidified her total obediance was being shown a rock from Alderaan. A statement of the power the empire weilds.''

''The Death Star is destroyed. Trios, you don't need to fear the empire. They're just a paper tiger.'' Leia said and I laughed.

''You blew up the Death Star, that gigantic waste of resources but the empire still has more than twenty thousand star destroyers. Despite your new support, the rebel alliance cannot hope to win a conventional war. Especially when I lead those campaigns. Your high command knows that fact. Special guerilla forces have also dealt significant damage to your forces, princess. Do not let one victory blind you from the bigger picture.'' I told the princess who seemed rather amused.

''Do you take your own advice to heart, general? You are awfully boasting about past victories.'' Leia retorted.

''As you did the Death Star. While I have not blown up a battlestation as big as that, I have won 8 wars and pacified Mandalore. My record speaks for me, I need not boast unless I have to. As far as I can tell, the alliance is losing it's front in the Mid Rim. Clearly, Mon Mothma, your father and other high ranking officials in the rebel alliance have not spend much time in the field if they think a few thousand fresh recruits and guerilla fighters can take on the full might of the imperial military. The logistics do not support you nor can your tacticians come up with plans to defeat every cunning general or admiral given unforseen circumstances.'' I said and walked towards her. ''Your rebellion had no chance to win.''

''Even if you kill me, more will rise up eventually, general Covraii. The more you tighten your grip, more systems will slip out from your fingertips.''

''Clearly you haven't spend much time in the Mid-Outer Rim. But it matters not. I tire of this pointless back and forth. I know you have a fleet coming soon to Shu-Torun. Your transmissions my agents intercepted tell me so.'' I revealed and Leia got a bit afraid. ''Admiral Conrad, jump in 4 minutes.'' I ordered and shot a rebel disguising as a Shu-Torun guard who attempted to rescue the princess.

''Grand General, how did you know?'' Trios asked.

''Rebels always have friends ready to help them out. It was simply a matter of preparation.'' I said and walked out. I entered a secret room and enjoyed the performance as it was a song my parents loved.

''I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong, were lasting so long
But I'm not the man, your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know.''

As I enjoyed the performance, I got confirmation from Admiral Conrad that the rebel taskforce was eliminated. Darth Vader and General Tagge came to meet me afterwards. We then discussed plans for further action until Vader wanted Leia be rescued and allowed to escape via a brainwashed agent. ''We're treading on dangerous ground, Vader.'' I remarked at the sith lord's plan.

''In war, we always tread on dangerous ground, general. If the rebellion is to be destroyed, we must utilize deception as our main source in dealing with them.'' Vader relpied.

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