Cobra's new war

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  -planet of Elam in the Assur system-

''You will not win, Roth!'' a republic admiral, a defector of the empire, said defiantly despite being brutally tortured by Prisca. ''You will fall like the empire did! You are all just tyrants in a new name and form.''

''Cobra... is different. It does not pretend unlike the old powers. Cobra is not afraid to use it's methods on a large scale.'' Prisca replied without much care.

''You will fall inevitably, Roth. The people will stand up eventually.'' he said again, still defiant.

''And what will lead them? The SS is everywhere. The powers of the sith allow us to read minds and the censorship and control of the masses is unrivaled in history. All the leaders are dead. What will lead them? Do you believe in the force?''

''N-not really.''

''Then answer me, what will lead them?''

''I don't know! The spirit of mankind, the unity of brotherhood perhaps. Whatever it is, you will all fall like Tarkin, like Palpatine.''

''Do you consider yourself a human then? Silly question, you are a human, a man and I am a woman of the same species but from your statement...''


''If you are a human, Winston, then you are the last man. Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors of this new era. Do you not understand? Your kind is dead.'' Prisca told the man. ''There are no more of you, no more of you... idealists.''

''And what is in... Room 101?''

''You already know the answer to that. It is what a person fears most. Of course, it differs from person to person but I know what you fear most. And I will utilize it to it's fullest capacity.'' Prisca answered which made the man shiver. ''It is not enough to simply break your mind. No. You must be broken, utterly and completely. In the era of Cobra, there will be only loyalty to the regime and to the emperor, my husband. Broken so much that you will believe whatever it is that we tell you. If I told you two plus two equals five or the sky is red then you will believe it. Not just out of fear of being beaten or executed but you will believe it as a fact.''

''What is it that you are attempting to do? What makes you separate from the empire? What is the true purpose of the Cobra Youth and the SS?''

''Power. Cobra has total, complete and unrivaled power. That is the purpose of the regime. Cobra will achieve true power. In laymen's term, Cobra will essentially achieve omnipotence and omniscience and omnipresence. Whatever we say is true, will be true. Reality warping you can say, because what we say is reality and true. It always was and will be from everlasting to everlasting despite contradictions. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. All opposites but language and concepts are the main target. The SS is not just the security but the propaganda and media as well. Concepts like freedom and individualism will be erased and the only thing that stands is the loyalty to Cobra. If you want an image of the future, imagine a boot stamping a human face- forever.'' Prisca told him of the true purpose of the SS and Cobra's means of staying in power. It was far more militaristic, dystopic and totalitarian than the empire ever was. ''Once you are finished in Room 101, you will be cured. You will love the Cobra Empire unquestionably and you will die for it if asked for. Your struggle will be over.''

Prisca ordered the security troopers to drag the traitor to Room 101 for his final re-education session. She walked out of the room to wash herself clean of the dirt and then she went to her office. Being one of the four queens of the Cobra, she held great power and authority in the empire. She was head of the State Security and in charge of many things. Likewise, her other 'sisters' were also in charge of certain branches of Cobra. Kore was in charge of the economy, Silk was the head of military training and discipline, Inanna was captain of a deadly strike team and Riyo Chuchi, the only one of the 'imperial concubines' to be head of anything, was in charge of administration along with Kore. Prisca's main job was to maintain the peace, hunt down traitors (actual, suspected or potential) and continue in the brainwashing of the masses. New reports and files needed to be checked were sent and she read them. As she continued to read, both Kore and Silk appeared via the private holo-transmissions.

Galactic Overlord ( A Star Wars self insert story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें