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she loved them.

perhaps if her mother had cared more this wouldnt be the case. 

perhaps if her father had been present she would've never turned out like this. with blood on her hands and a tainted soul.

perhaps if they had showed her who they were from the start everything would've been diffrent.

maybe if her brother hadnt been so cruel , or her sister not left. maybe then this wouldnt be how things turned out.

maybe if she had grown up somewhere other than home this would all be diffrent.

her hands wouldnt be dripping with blood and their hands wouldnt roam her body, she wouldnt enjoy their touch like she did. she would be resonable enough to know they were killers, but she was not. 

what a fatal thing love was. 

she knew that while they were all coldhearted mass murderes they were the only comfort she had. the most comfort she had ever had. 

perhaps if everything had been diffrent-

perhaps then she could go to heaven after death. 

but for now she had to find peace in the safe heaven they had created for her. perhaps there were a heaven for fallen angels too, were they could all be together in the afterlife.

perhaps she didnt regret anything.

not even the past. 

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