chapter forty four

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' the past haunts us all'

Dominic and I was sitting in his office, me on his lap, his hand drawing circles on my bared stomach

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Dominic and I was sitting in his office, me on his lap, his hand drawing circles on my bared stomach.

'' tell me who Eden is'' I pleaded him resting my head against his hard chest. he sighed. Dante had refused to tell; Lorenzo had told me not to worry and Alesandro had cursed her out and stormed off in anger by the mere thought of the woman.

I couldn't help but to feel insecure.

it was no secret that Eden was beautiful. it was the first thing you noticed, long dark curls cascading down her back with utmost perfection, dark eyes full of mischief, dark tanned skin, perfect figure, curves all the right places- clever, strong spoken. to top of off with.

it would not be beyond me if she was a former lover of my husbands.

god it felt strange. right- but strange to call them my husbands.

Dominic seemed to tense '' the serpent, that's who Eden Petrov is'' he said almost quietly.

'' the serpent? what does that mean ? '' I asked confused tilting my head so I could look up at him. '' she is our cousin, but her upbringing was a bit different from ours'' Dominic began.

their cousin?

sure, enough they had the same dark eyes but beyond that I would not guess they were related. '' Eden was one of those mafia daughters who was traded around like a toy, she fought people twice her size and age from when she was six. and she was ruthless in her fights'' Dominic began.

''' we weren't close by any means, she wasn't close to anyone but her twin, but I used to watch her from afar, I was madly jealous of her when we children, she was younger than me, and yet she was far more skillful than I could ever hope to become '' Dominic revealed and I could tell he was taking a good trip down memory lane from how his movements on my stomach became slower more faint. still there but yet not like before.

his voice softened. '' but we all knew what went on behind the scenes of that family, it was horrible, our uncle Dante Moretti used to scold us if we as much as spoke ill about her. no matter what she did, he used to tell us that we were lucky for our pick in parents.

and while our parents were emotionless as stones, training us to be perfect soldiers, nothing compared to what Eden went through.

but it does not excuse how she turned out. after her twin sister's death, all trace of Eden disappeared, like she never existed. and suddenly men and women started showing up dead, a snake cut into their limbs as they were killed brutally. if you think we are cruel, then you do not want to see how Eden deals with her victims. '' he warned me.

my heart broke slightly, partly from the little boy inside of him that seemed to reappear that stoic and cold exterior he put on usually fading now.

and partly for Eden. even if I did want to admit it.

'' she slaughtered entire families, and no one knew it was her, until of course she decided she didn't care who knew, and one day she entered the yearly mafia ball in a black gown her arm shown on full display the snake tattoo that symbolized the serpent, the only information we had on the serpent was that tattoo. and she walked in wearing it proudly.

but Eden did good too, she saved girls who suffered in the mafia, girls who got kidnapped, trafficked girls. she didn't lie to you, she might not be a saint, but she is a hero, a twisted fucked up hero. but still-'' he seemed to realize that he had told me too much.

that he had went too far into detail and that decide what I knew they had agreed on Dominic had told me the truth. of course, I knew they were going to try and protect me.

even if it meant withholding information.

'' enough story time'' he said demandingly.

'' why do you hate so much ?'' I asked not fully understanding. she did nothing wrong.

maybe that was sick to say, but what did she do wrong? she saved girls, little kids, she killed but it would surprise me if Eden killed without motive.

you do not make a big deal out of your murders if you don't care about who you kill.

I shoot my brother right in the head because I did not care for him, or what became of him, I just wanted him gone.

I don't think Eden killed for that.

I think she wanted to inflict pain before death, she wanted it to be so painful she had them on their knees begging for death. perhaps just perhaps in the depths of the darkest pits of myself I wanted that too.

too have someone begging you, pleading with you for mercy, and then for you to laugh at their face and deny it.

I enjoyed killed victor. I enjoyed his pleading.

and yes, I knew it made me a monster. but it felt so good I wanted that thrill again; I was becoming addicted.

Dominic who had hesitated to answer my former question stilled before turning my around, so I was straddling him before he nuzzled his face into my neck placing a soft kiss right on my sweet spot before leaning up to my ear whispering ever so quietly.

'' because she did not come to save you.'' 


- authors note-

anyways im working on edens book, and she is one of my oldest most thoughtthrough character i have, and the worst part is i have so many chapters written but i cant figure out how to start her story, so until i figure that out im just gonna work on everything else than that. 

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