chapter thirty one

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' paranoia, paint and parrings' 

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do you know that feeling of something being horribly wrong and yet not knowing what it is?

like a gut feeling telling you something is coming. something bad.

something dangerous.

the feeling of danger- a storm brewing ? calm before the storm.

if you do, do you know that nauseous feeling you get in the pit of your stomach whenever you wonder for too long or think to strongly of the feeling? do you know how much you want to vomit by the thought of happiness being ripped away from you?

if you do you know how horrible it feels.

how paranoid you become.

that was how I felt. like something was horrible wrong, like something was coming to steal away the one and only thing that truly brought my happiness.

and I couldn't be more scared.

I hadn't been scared since I was a helpless child under the mercy of monsters who claimed they loved me and my brothers.

I hadn't been this helpless since then either. turning every stone searching every area before introducing lillith to it.

and yet finding nothing to reason for this feeling.

the only thing that seemed to work was holding her in some way or sense. weather I was stroking her hair, holding her hand or fucking her brainless. it didn't matter. surely the last one was one of my favorite activities but still.

and yet there was something I for some reason enjoyed even more. the same thing I was currently doing.

sitting perfectly still acting like I wasn't present in my own damn office watching our own personalized god send angel painting on a large canva humming along to the soft classical music playing through the room.

I was supposed to work.

I was supposed to be helping nic with some business stuff. and yet here I was completely and utterly mesmerized by her. her hips once in a while swaying along to the music. she seemed so carefree right now.

and it was almost incredibly to think that the angel before me could kill, if I hadn't seen I myself I wouldn't believe it, like if I hadn't seen her stick up for herself I wouldn't have guessed she could do it.

she simply looked to innocent.

to pure.

not that I minded the taint. no it just made it easier, no big drama over ethics and morals- no killing rule that would enviably be broken. it made her more alluring. more mysterious.

oh how I would like to fuck her with blood all over us. hearing her scream my name after having heard screams of pleads while we killed together. what a blissful dream.

one that could very well happen in the soon future.

the door to my office opened and lillith to my disappointment snapped her head towards the door snapping out of the little bubble she had been in I glared at my twin who smirked at me as he walked over placing a kiss on lillith forehead.

'' beautiful '' he muttered and lillith blushed.

'' it took me hours so far so it should also be at least decent '' she said gesturing to the painting. still clueless I see.

I stood up ushering my brother away. '' what do you want ?'' I asked him.

me and my brothers was close, very close. and yet I didn't enjoy my idiotic twin to come and ruin lillith moment. much less for him to ruin my observation of the magnificent goddess that had somehow been send to us.

'' I came to spend time with lillith of course'' he said casually. '' so sit the fuck down and let her paint'' I glared at him, Alex just rolled his eyes sitting down on the couch I followed soon after. twirling the ice around my half full glass of whiskey.

lillith looked over at us with a an amused look before turning back to her painting and it didn't take long for her to get back into her little peaceful bubble.

the paranoia still eating me up.

but I wouldn't worry her, not over something that I hoped was just my past speaking. something unreal.

but I couldn't deny I was getting more and more on edge.

something bad was going to happen. I knew it.

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the brown haired mans arm wrapped around his wife's waist. '' its a pleasure to finally meet you'' the woman spoke with a high pitched and yet dead tone.

'' no need for such flattering '' the couple standing before the two of them assured ushering their guest to the office was already ready for the meeting about to take place.

'' call me George and this is my wife Louisa. '' the couple said.

'' this is Valentino and I'm Eliza'' the other woman spoke she was older than Louisa by a few years her dark hair already getting grey. the man was already grey haired.

a girl entered the office shortly after she had light blonde hair, that had been dyed into that specific color and her before green eyes were now blue from contacts. '' this is maya '' Eliza introduced fondly.

'' she will be the new mars Salvador'' Eliza added with a sick smile.

'' and what will become of the already existing one?'' George asked with a crooked brow. and a sick look in his eyes.

Valentino shrugged. '' whatever you want to do with her, revenge for your son right? '' he said the same sinister smile as his wife had.

'' yes, yes, revenge for Julian.'' Louisa muttered manically. '' that little bitch is going to suffer''

Valentino and Eliza Salvador smirked to themselves.

their sons would suffer.

suffer from the curse of love. but oh well the Salvador parents wouldn't care, after all after their sons demise everything would be theirs for the taking.

'' revenge'' Eliza brought her glass of wine up to toast.

'' revenge.'' everyone agreed.

revenge indeed was to be served. just in a different sense of course. 

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