chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen

' and obessed lover '


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I wasn't angry at my sister. I really wasn't.

I had been.

I had been for a long time, but I understood it. I would've left too. I did leave, the second I turned eighteen I left.

but I was shocked when I saw her again. it had been so long. and she was so different from what I remembered.

I scowled at the food before me. '' I'm not eating that'' I claimed. my voice was hoarse and my nose all puffy.

apparently going outside for a late-night walk in only a t-shirt and some shorts had backfired. firstly, because all four lunatics of Salvador men came looking for me finding me drinking a cup of coffee outside of the penthouse building and they were furiously worried.

secondly because I had quite frankly caught a cold.

'' yes, you are'' Dante countered back making me frown. '' it will make you feel better'' Lorenzo tried to assure me.

'' it smells like shit'' I commented. '' she's right though'' Alessandro agreed.

'' you're not supposed to say that dumbass!'' nic commented hitting the back of Alex's head. I laughed though it was a mixture between a laugh and a cough.

'' come on pretty please cuore mio'' Lorenzo tried again brushing some hair out of my face before placing a tender kiss on my neck slowly trailing up to my jaw before I pushed him away. '' you'll get sick '' I warned him.

'' yeah, I'll be fine'' he chuckled at me.

I sniffled finally grabbing the bowl from Dante seeing no other option than to eat the vomit looking soup. '' if I vomit I'm going to do it all over you'' I told Dante with a scowl to that they all just laughed.

it wasn't a joke. definitely not a joke.

I was picked up by Dominic who impatiently wrapped his one arm around my waist keeping me in place the other reaching out to take the bowl from mine bringing the spoon of soup up to my lips. now sealed shut.

but Alessandro seemed equally impatient as he gently grabbed my face placing his thumb between my lips leaving me wide eyed and confused as to why that particular act left me turned on. my lips parted which I assumed was the purpose of the act as Dominic placed the spoon of soup in my mouth.

Alessandro let out a chuckle. '' such a greedy girl aren't you?'' he teased making me frown.

'' I'm not'' I claimed offended. Lorenzo's hand trailed up my leg while another spoon full of that goodman awful soup entered my mouth Dominic still keeping me secure on his lap his arm wrapped around my waist the bowl placed in my lap.

'' so if I touch your sweet little pussy I wont find it wet?'' he asked making me turn to him wide eyed. '' don't lie to him'' Dante warned stroking some hair out of my face.

I turned to Dominic for help but he just grinned down at me. '' what's the matter love? '' he asked innocently. '' meanies'' I muttered feeling to tired to protest so instead I hid my face in Dominic's chest.


why did she have to be so goddamn adorable

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why did she have to be so goddamn adorable.

giving me her infamous head tilt and doe eyes. after eating the soup which had taken her half an hour to even agree to eating she had fallen asleep in nicks arms and once she woke up the rest of the guys was off doing business.

me and Alessandro graduated last week. at least now we did on paper. not that we ever really showed up at the place anyway.

'' how are you feelings?'' I asked wrapping my arms around her picking her up and placing her on the kitchen counter.

'' better'' she replied still sounding sleepy.

I hummed beginning to make her a cup of tea. I had to admit I had been furious with her when she left the penthouse. mostly because she was barely wearing anything and she just wanted a fucking coffee and fresh air which she could've asked for easily. and still she left without a word and caught a cold.

but now I couldn't be angry at her. her red nose, and hoarse voice.

though I wish there were different reason for her hoarse voice. '' can I have some popcorn ?'' she suddenly asked giving me a innocent smile. '' its 11 am cuore mio'' I tried to reason with her.

'' but -'' her voice faltered and she began pouting ''- I want popcorn and move day'' she complained making me sigh and shake my head in disbelief at my own actions.

'' alright then '' I gave in feeling her tug on my shirt I turned as she pulled me in for a hug wrapping her legs and arms around me.

'' I'm sorry '' she whispered to me. '' I'm sorry I left'' she clarified clinging onto me.

I hummed '' I know darling'' I assured her picking her up so I could make her some popcorn and her tea. and soon enough we were sitting in the living room her on my lap watching yet another Disney movie while I was working on my laptop.

if this was what peace felt like I would never wish for anything other than peace.

if this was heaven, I would become a saint.

and if this was madness, I was a mad man.

oh god what I had become. other than an obsessed lover? perhaps this is what I was always meant to be.

I hope it was. at least then it meant she could not leave us. because she was meant to be mine- ours- if I was meant to be an obsessed lover, she was meant to be my obsession. our obsession.

our lillith. 

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