Failure and Success

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I couldn't go to the bachelor's party because they were having it at a bar, and I am super underaged for drinking. Instead, I steam my suit and go to bed. I get a call from the hospital and they have me come in as they found the fourth climber still alive, the chiefs ex-wife passed out and the surrogate for the bar guys passed out, so they needed extra hands. The fourth climber had an Ice axe in his head. I got placed with the surrogate as I cared for her earlier with burke as she seems to have something going on with her heart. Burke looks at her heart and decides that she has to have a c section today. I am scrubbing in for it as she is my patent and Addison is busy. 

I get the two babies out quickly and safely. Both are breathing, so I place them in incubators and wheel them down to the NICU. The moment I got them out burke started the surgery on her heart. I run all the tests on the babies and other than being a bit underdeveloped, there is nothing wrong with the babies.

After I get them all set up, I head home and get ready for the wedding. I pull my suit on and head to the chapel. I am too powerful of a demon for churches to affect me, so I have no problem going in. I am the first one there, so I sit down in the lobby and wait.

Eventually everyone starts to file in and sit inside the main area to wait for the wedding to start. When everyone arrived, I go up and stand in front next to Preston. Eventually he went out of the room and Meredith came into the room to tell everyone to go home.

I later found out that Burke left and George failed his intern exam. I caught him taking his things out of his locker when I went to get one of my phones that I accidentally left inside of my locker. I told him that he should really think about staying but all together it is his choice. I also added that if he stays there is a good chance he will be on my team.

As I was leaving I ran into the new interns. Some of all of them will be under my care this coming year. None of them noticed me though so the surprise they will get when they see me is still intact.

I head home and prepare for my interns. I will be getting surgical, pediatric and gynocological interns as I fall under all of the fields. Hopefully they all get along because sometimes surgical interns treat other specialties like they are less than.

I set out light grey scrubs for the morning and set all of my stuff in my bag before eating dinner and going to bed. I feel like I am ready to be in charge of interns next week.

It has been four days since the wedding was cancelled and I am headed to New York for my meeting with my new shield team. I make sure I look like ghost but with contacts and a wig just in case they want to see me normally.

I get in and head up to the directors office in this base. Inside the director, a man and a woman are waiting for me. They haven't noticed me so I break the silence. "I bet that I am better at the bow then you are." They all turn to face me in surprise.

The director breaks out of his surprise first. "This is the new member of your team he is only on info gathering but he will be valuable to you."


"He looks a little young to be an agent."

"And he said he was better than me at the bow!"

"He is young but he has first hand experience with HYDRA and powers from that time." The two of them look at me in pity. I can see that the woman sees herself in me so she must have had a similar experience and the man looks at me with a worried parent look so he must have kids.

"I'm fine. Here is my phone number call me when you need me. And if you ever want to have an archery contest feel free to call." I hand them a slip of paper with my number for the phone for this job and walk out before traveling home.

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