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Skià pov

I had to hack into Cams phone and computer because he took some photos of Zac in mer form and that is not safe. Rita's cat got affected by some mermaid potions and briefly copied Zac's girlfriend's appearance but we solved that pretty quickly. Two new mermaids show up and Zac's girlfriend gets turned into one too.

Zac finds out that he was actually born a merman and his powers were sealed. I get a call from The old principal of the magic school. He says that a girl showed up and says that she knows us. I tell him that I will be right there and he hangs up. I gather my things, tell my dad to watch Aelynn and travel to the area.

Apparently he is now the principal of the only other high school in town. The local one that we had to go to to investigate the missing girls. I head into his office and see Hope standing there. "Hope. I see that you are finally free."

"And I can tell that you listened to what I said."

"So you do know her?"

"Yes, and Hope. I fixed your dad and uncle, I also made sure that they remember you."

"Thank you."

"Remember." The principal says in thought. "Are you the one that has been missing from the school the one who disappeared from the scene of Malivor?"

She looks at me and I simply nod. "Yes, I stopped Malivor but he is not completely gone."

I think about it for a moment. "How could I be so thick." I say my English accent slipping through. "You only activated two of your three creatures so you couldn't fully destroy him by yourself."

"He doesn't have very much control anymore though. All the creatures used to be separate inside the pit and now they are able to interact so what is to say they can't get out."

"That is quite the problem. Hold on I can make Dr. Saltzman remember you but first I need to make sure that people are safe. I will be back."

I quickly set up wards around this school and kill a malicious creature that is already inside before going to the magic school. There I set up extra wards that will not affect the children but I feel something wrong. Something is here that should not be.

I first inform the librarian that I know of the events that are taking place and he tells me that there is a new headmaster. That must be what is new but that does not account for why something here feels off.

I slip into the shadows and into the headmaster's office. I stay in the shadows and watch him for a while something about his ring seems wrong. I put up a magic blocking spell and his image flickers to reveal that he is the golem brother of Landon. I drop the spell as he flicks the ring to make him think that the ring was briefly malfunctioning and no one figured him out.

I go back to the librarian and tell him what I found out before telling him to keep everyone safe for a bit because I have to gather some things to remove him.

I go back to Hope and ask for some of her blood. "Why?"

"Well throwing yourself into the pit did not work because you did not have your vampire blood activated so if we mixed my vampire blood with your werewolf and witch blood should it not stop him?"

"That does make sense." She finally lets me take a vile and I go back to the school. I mix just my vampire blood into it and then separate it into two viles. I place a spell to destroy golems. Me destroying him must not have worked last time because of him being made of Malivor. I sneak it into his coffee and the moment that he drinks it he notices something is wrong but it is too late.

Soon he is just a pile of clothes, dust and the ring. I gather the ring and it feels dark so I simply destroy it and go back to the librarian who I tell that everything is fine but they need to find the man who he was pretending to be. Then I go to the high school where Hope is.

I make Dr. Saltzman remember Hope by sharing the memories that I have of her when he was there as well. It was even easier than when I did it with Niklaus and Elijah because we have shared memories of Hope.

I tell them that I warded important areas against danger before reminding me that he can call or message me if something goes wrong and return to Australia.

When I get there dad informs me that everyone in the house is going to the aquarium as Percy wants to give us a tour. I agree to join them but say that I need to change. Which is true because due to all of the things I had to do my clothes are rather dirty. I change into a more comfortable and cooler outfit as it is hot out and pull Aelynn's pram out of the closet on my way downstairs.

We go to the aquarium or as they call it, the marine park. Percy is waiting for us at the gate. He is in charge of tours and some animal care. We start the tour and when we start the tour we run into one of the new mermaids working at the gift stall.

We talk for a short bit before two of the other mermaids show up so we decide to continue with the tour.

Percy is having a great time leading us around and talking to each of the animals because we all know about his powers to some degree.

We get a full tour of the park and soon enough Percy's work day is over so we all head home.

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