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When William sits back down next to his flat mate Watson. Watson states, "so Buckingham Palace." William just nods with a small chuckle. "But seriously Sherlock what are we doing here are we going to meet the queen?"chuckling as well.

"Probably." Sherlock says in amusement. "Vincent do you have any clue?"

"I was only told that my presence was required." It is at that moment that Crow walks in.

"Just for once can you behave like grown ups?"

"Well he forgot his pants, we solve crimes and I write a blog about it. So I wouldn't hold out much hope." Watson says about them.

"Crow I am literally a child. I have not even had my ninth birthday do not expect me to behave as an adult."

"You are literally the most well behaved one of the three of you here." He dismisses Sebastian because Sebastian is just standing off in the corner in case he is needed.

Soon enough a man comes in and greets Mycroft before giving me a slight bow which greatly confuses Watson. "Mycroft, Lord Phantomhive."

"May I inquire on why I am here?"

"You may." He goes into a very roundabout description of why we are here. But basically the queen wants us to track down a woman and get some photos from her. It seems that someone decided to do compromising things in an area that they had not secured.

"Am I really needed? I believe that William could complete this job all on his own, other than his flat mate of course."

"Do you really think so?"

"Lets just say that I have known William for quite a long time. So I definitely think so." I say before getting up and gathering my stuff. "Sebastian, follow them to insure their safety."

"Yes, my lord."

"If he is staying here with them how will you get back to your place?"

"I have my ways. Good bye for now." I say and walk out of the palace before walking straight to an alley and traveling back to my home in New York so I can check on how Draco is doing with moving in. He decided that he would have a house right next to the house I have here.

When I arrive a very angry owl is waiting for me. "Oh sweety how long have you been waiting?" It of course doesn't say anything, owls are too full of themselves. It simply offers a letter to me and after I take it bites me before flying off.

It is a letter from Gringots. I open it to see that the first few lines are about how hard it is to get a hold of me. The next says that they are ready to do the blood test whenever I am. I think that I can go soon but my train of thought is interrupted by a call from Reid and it is on my BAU phone so I know he needs something.

"Luis we have a case that we need your input on."

"Alright do you want me to meet you there or at the office?"

"We are on the plane so meet us there."

"Alright." He hangs up and sends me the address. I get dressed and get into my correct appearance before traveling to a alley by the police station. I dust off my clothes and pull out my badge before heading into the police. I wait in the meeting room until the others arrive.

It takes about a half an hour before the rest of the team joins me in the room. They tell me that they have a case that seems like a vampire and that is why they called me in. The victim died of lack of blood and had two marks on their necks. The saliva on the necks read as human in the tests but vampires have very little different if anything to genetic structure of humans. It does seem like a vampire but humans are weird so I should see if I can smell a vampire on the bodies. "I will have to see the bodies to be sure."

They take me to the most recent crime scene. I look over the site before going over to the body. Before I can even get near it I get hit in the face with the scent of a vampire. It is so strong I have to cover my nose. I can tell that they didn't even try to hide it. Also the strangulation of the victims leads me to believe that they are not in control of that side of themselves yet. They are clearly a new vampire but one of the weaker kinds meaning that they are likely feeling very sick right now and also that he has his normal eye color making it harder to find him.

"We definitely have a vampire on our hands. They are so young they have no control over it so likely they don't even realize what they are doing. Also they seem to be of a type that is weaker but also keep their eye color meaning it will be harder to find them. Although they are not able to hide their scent so that may help with finding them."

"Well let's find ourselves a vampire." Rossi says as we head back to the station.

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