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Skià pov

Right after I leave the hospital I get a call to help with a case. I change into the correct appearance and grab my things for the job out of the shadows before traveling there and joining the team in the police station.

"So give me a rundown."

"Missing women turning up dead."

"That's typical, why am I here?"

"I wasn't done yet. Each woman had just given birth before being killed and there is no baby that has been found."

"Okay." I say before pulling out my laptop and getting started looking for if the child ended up somewhere alive. I open all the closed adoption files using my shield ID and compare all the DNA of the children to the DNA we got from the mothers. We get a few matches and all the babies are girls. Also all of the babies are in Arizona. Perhaps he wants boys or something and doesn't want the police to catch up with him as well as not wanting girls.

I tell them what I found and what I think is happening. They seem to agree with me as well. So now we have to find the man, his wife and any of the children he may have kept. I try cross referencing the DNA that the children have to any in the police data base and it comes up with a man who has been convicted for sexual assault before.

We find his home address and get the team together to storm it. They stay back as I go up to the door as kids will never be scared of other children. A boy answers the door he seems about five. "Hello?"

"I just moved here and I was wondering if you want to play outside with me?" He seems excited by the question.


"Do you have any siblings? I have a twin brother but he lives with different people than me."

"Just my new baby brother."

"Oh that's cool. Come on let's go play." I take him outside and distract him as the rest of my team and some of the local police storm the house. I even let him play a game on my phone. After a while my team comes out with the unsubs and the infant as well as the women being kept here. The unsubs are put in the back of police cars and the women in the backs of separate ambulances and the baby went with his mother. The boy got put in one of the SUVs and I went with him.

When we got to the police station we went into a room with him, me, JJ and Prentiss. We talked with him about what was happening and JJ called his grandparents to take custody. Prentiss left to go talk to some of the officers leaving me and him alone in the room. "You know I am sorry. We had to take away everything you have ever known."

"Those ladies said they are bad people."

"They are but that doesn't mean you should have to suffer because of what they did."

"What is going to happen now?"

"Your mom's parents are coming here right now, they really want you to be part of their life. Is that okay?" He nods before looking at the wall. I understand that this situation is very hard for him so I leave him be.

Eventually his grandparents come in and he grabs my arm to make me stay. They introduce themselves and talk to him and slowly he lets go of me clearly unsure still so I stay until I am sure that he is comfortable enough and then I grab my things and leave.

I get word soon afterwards that hotch stepped down for the moment and Morgan took up the leadership position. I also found out that Tony has gone missing. I can feel that he is still alive so I am not worried but I imagine that is causing quite the problem for people but it is currently not my problem.

I am headed to LA again to do another mission with scorpion after briefly going to England to get Draco to be the leader of my company when I am not there and he easily agreed but has to bring his family to America before I can introduce him.

We got called to a case by the governor of California. Agent Gallow called me first before going for the team so I could get there before or around the same time as him. I of course arrive first and head inside.

The door is unlocked as always so I walk in to see everyone working in their area. Paige comes in with her son Ralph saying that was sick again and that is why she was late. He was clearly lying but I understand as he is in middle school.

Walter came around and gave out checks to the team including me. He gave me more check envelopes than the rest of the team though because I have not been by to get them.

Sadly Ralph staying out of school for the day was not to be as Walter told his mother that he wasn't actually sick and that he just hacked the thermometer. She scolds Ralph slightly before telling him to get ready as he is going to school.

Before she can take him though agent Gallow calls. Apparently he changed his mind about coming here and is just going to meet us there. He however still does not tell us what is going on so we are going into the situation blind.

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