Talks With Wesen

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Skià pov

We knock on the door and he lets us in. He then goes on about Nick being a Grimm. Apparently he has never seen one in real life and only heard about them in stories. I am sure that Nick is feeling a similar way. Nick seems to be mildly panicking about all this. Even though I gave him the run down it is different to interact with a creature for the first time.

"How exactly can you tell who is a Grimm." I ask him. He looks at me confused I guess he did not notice me.

"You seem awfully calm about all this and I can't smell you."

"Oh I am sorry I forgot." I have been around creatures that could not smell people really so I just had all my scent blocked, even the human one. I let out only my human scent. He looks at me in shock. "I am a regular hunter. His aunt called my grandfather to have someone come down and train Nick in hunting so he does not die horribly."

The man nods before answering my initial question. "When they see us woge, we can see that they can see us in their eyes."

"Good to know, but what is woge?"

"Oh, it is when we lose control of our emotions and other wesen's as well as Grimm's can briefly see our true forms. Which hunter family are you related to? I get some information on hunters from some people I know."

"The Winchesters."

"Oh, so you are both from big families, look I don't mean any trouble."

"Do not worry. Have you not heard of Alex, Sam and Dean Winchester? And how they only go after creatures that are harming humans?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot because John is the only one that has been working really."

"He never really did pick up on the not killing everything he sees. Sam and Dean have been dealing with angels and demons that are mad that the apocalypse did not happen so they have been rather busy."

"And Alex?" I simply point at myself.

"But your name is Luis isn't it?"

"I go by many names both Alex and Luis are names that I go by."

"So why have you not been hunting."

"I have been busy with some things." The man just nods while Nick looks confused. "Now we were wondering if you might know who is taking these girls."

"I don't know, we don't socialize much, bad things happen when we get into a pack." I nod.

"I see. Then we will just have to figure this out on our own."

"Wait! I might know who has her."

"Tell us!"

"Do not worry we will not tell him that you told us."

"He lives out in the middle of the forest. He is all alone out there an he really hates red."

"Thank you. We will be on our way."

"Be careful, he is dangerous."

"You do not have to tell me that, I know. Do you think that you could show us where his house is?"

"I guess."

"Great." He has us all get into his car and he drives us to a house. It looks rather old. I can smell the creature inside and the girl. I have noticed all Wesen smell similar with one thing that sets apart each group. The wolf Wesen smell like Wesen and wet dog.

"Call one of your police friends. Say we found the girl. This should not take that long. We should have him immobile by the time they get here." I slip on a red sweater before going up to the door. I knock on the door and he answers. I make sure the others stay out of sight and smell range before putting on a scared child facade.

"What are you doing here?" He says nicely but I can smell remnants of human blood on him.

"I am lost can you help me?"

"Of course, come in. Would you like some chicken pot pie?"

"Yes, please." I say to him. He hands me a dish of the food and spends the whole time he is eating staring at my red sweater.

When I am done eating he speaks again. "Do you want to see something cool?"

"Yes!" He moves a table and a carpet to reveal a trap door. He opens it and lets me go down first. When we get to the bottom I see the girl so I turn around grab him and push him to the floor before tying him him up with enchanted rope that will keep any creature at bay. "Anything you say can and will be used in a court of law."

I tie him to the banister which I strengthen before going to check on the girl. "Are you okay?" She nods. "Do you want to go home now?" I say as I hear the police come into the house. She nods again and starts crying so I gently take her into my arms.

Eventually the officers get down here and take him away before coming back to look over the room. They recognized me and see that I have the girl covered so they start going through everything. They open a cupboard and it has multiple red sweaters meaning he has more victims than we know about.

They take the sweaters as evidence and I take the little girl upstairs. Both the man who showed us here and Nick are looking at me in confusion and fear. "What?" I say with a sharp tone as I walk over to him after dropping the girl off at the ambulance.

I am seething with anger at the man who hurt all of these children. "Um, you keep having different characteristics to you."

"What are you." I look at them in confusion for a moment and then realize what they are probably talking about. Grimm's and the creatures they hunt can see through my blocks if I lose control of my emotions. I will have to look into fixing that. I block my emotions and address them.

"Apparently your sight does not just see Wesen. What exactly did you see?"

"Your eyes changed color and you had different colored wings." Nick says.

"Also your ears change and I think you had a tail at one point." The wolf Wesen adds.

"I see. So you do not actually have to worry about that as I am not Wesen."

"What are you then?"

"A lot of things that I would rather not get into. I will not harm you though."

"Well if my aunt trusted you it is probably fine."

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