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Skià pov

I get a call from the FBI to assist with a different branch. They are dealing with a poisoning likely and are in Manhattan. I quickly change to my BAU appearance and grab my things before traveling to the closest empty alley to the bureau's office here.

When I go inside I am quickly filled in and sent to the site to meet with the main people on the case. They are in front of a deli talking to what seems to be the owner. I listen while I walk up and it seems that five of the eight people that have died so far got food from the salad bar at this deli.

After they finish talking to the owner I walk up to them. "Hello I am Dr. Gram, Quantico sent me to help with this case."

"When they said that they were sending one of their best I expected someone older." The girl says while her partner just seems mystified.

"Most do." We go back to the base while the scientists look at the food. We decide to go through the footage as maybe we will see who did this. We see a girl spray something on the food and the lab IDs the poison as a synthetic one. It is odorless, flavorless and colorless, so it is very hard to pick up on.

The girl who did it seems very young, perhaps high school or maybe even middle school. She is wearing a shirt of an anarchist music group. The team here thinks that that is perhaps what caused her to do this but I am not so sure. Likely there is someone above her in this because the toxin is much too hard to obtain or make for someone who is likely not organized enough.

Soon enough though a girl who fits the profile is brought into a hospital with the same kind of poisoning. If she was the one who did this herself she would have known what precautions to take against it.

As expected when we found the bag with the mister we found that the mister was booby trapped and it poisoned her as well. Whoever gave it to her clearly didn't intend for her to live to speak the tale. And when we got into her laptop we realized why, she was working with a large terrorist group.

This is where I really get to work. I get permission to take the laptop and I hack into her account on the website that we believe to be linked to this. It doesn't take long for me to get in and soon I am sorting through messages and things. It seems that there will be other targets but I need to figure out where and who is doing it so I go deeper into the website and get all of the IP addresses even though they are all run through other things.

I take out my laptop and run the addresses through a decoder I made. It back tracks the pings to an actual IP address. While I am doing this I look to see if anything on the website tells me where their next target is. I don't get much from that however so I move to her social media to see if anyone reached out to her there.

We find a symbol that is linked to the group so we track that back. We get a girl and the two working on the case with me go to question her while I continue decrypting the IPs. I am only looking for the ones in America at the moment but will still give all of them over.

Unfortunately before I can get all the IP address we find out that the one who is leading this is currently in New York. He wants to meet her. Thankfully he doesn't know what she looks like so we just need to send someone who looks to be about in her age range. So likely me as I am the only one that can pass for 15 with the right clothes and makeup especially close up. "Let's set up the meet. I will go as the girl, I can pass I just need some things."

"Whatever you need Dr. Gram." I give them a list of things and they go off to get them while we set up the meet. We run into a problem however when he sends a picture of the girl when we ask how we will know who he is. We can't send her out but also I am not willing to reveal the fact I can shapeshift to people I just met.

They are about to respond when I stop them. "Wait!" They stop what they are doing. "I have a plan. Wait a few minutes to respond. Just long enough for it to seem like she is in trouble and then message back that she just got grounded for a bad grade on a test and can't make it."

They did as I said and he asked if there was someone she knew who she could have come instead. Perfect. "Tell him that she can only think of one person but she is younger than the her and the other girl but wants to be a part of this ." He tells us that is fine and asks why she isn't on the site. "Respond by saying her parents won't let her have a computer."

After a bit of back and forth he agrees to meet me as long as he gets a name and a picture. He asks for that right after we got the things I needed to play a teenaged girl. Since my role was now a middle school girl I made sure to adjust the outfit. I decided on some short overalls with a white shirt underneath. My hair is rather long in the first place so I just put it in a braid. After that I just put on a little bit of blush and head out of the bathroom where I was changing. "How do I look?"

"Perfect for the role."

"Thank you." I have him take a picture of me on the girls phone just in case he can track what device it came from. I make sure to pose like an awkward teenager girl, as that is the type they are going for, whose friend is taking a photo of them and pose with a slight wave. He sends the photo and says that my name is Aubrey. I quickly set up the correct papers just in case he checks that as well.

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