Ice Skating

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Scorpion decided to try and prove that ghosts are real and I decided that this will be entertaining so I joined them on the Queen Mary with Aelynn as this is not dangerous at all.

I let Aelynn wander the room while I watch and I listen to scorpion argue about whether or not ghosts are real. I of course know from experience that they are but I am not about to try and share actual proof with them because where is the fun in that.

Suddenly a ghost is caught on camera but it is not really there. This man is doing something to make it seem like there are ghosts. I look over to a different corner of the room and see an actual ghost and Aelynn notices it too because she points at it and says Dada to get my attention. I simply nod and she gets back to exploring the room.

The question is why is he faking ghost when there are actual ghosts here. We decide to go investigate the rest of the ship. I hold Aelynn's hand as we walk through the halls and gently move to avoid all the ghosts that are also walking in the halls.

I chose to go with Paige, Silvester and the man who gave us this case. We walk in a room and the emf starts to pick up. I look around and notice this room is actually rather empty. We follow it to seemingly the source and a red substance falls on Silvester who panics because, "ceiling blood cannot be sanitary." However the substance from the ceiling is not blood. It does not smell like blood and it is the wrong consistency.

Silvester panics some more so I decide to voice my thoughts. "Relax, it is not the right consistency to be blood." That calms him down a lot but he is still not happy that something of unknown origins touched him. It smells like rust and water but that will not calm him down so I keep it to myself and we head up to try and meet up with the others.

We find out that a pipe is cracked and that was where the rust was coming from. The emf was coming from an antenna. Also the ghost from the camera was a man who works in a security office with a camera on him so a mess up over the cameras view. So it turns out that the man with us did not plan this it was just a bunch of weird coincidences.

With our case being complete I head back home with Aelynn while the others solve the problem of emf caused hallucinations.

I wake up the next morning to a call from Nat. "Hello?"

"Do you know how to ice skate?"

"Yes. Of course."

"Great. We have a mission. There was a threat made to the Grand Prix ice skating competition so we need someone on the inside. Meaning you have to get into the Grand Prix by winning a contest today."

"Okay. Do you have everything set up?"

"Of course Fury set everything up immediately. All you have to do is show up in an appearance that is twenty, fit in the costume and be able to perform the routine."

"Got it. Send me the location to meet." I say and she gives a sound of confirmation before hanging up. I decide on blonde hair and blue eyes and the age of twenty. I make sure that I look like an ice skater and head to the location.

When I arrive Nat hands me the routine that I am supposed to perform. It seems rather simple and represents grace. She then hands me a white costume with silver detailing and loose bits of fabric that will flow through the air as I skate.

There are quite a few jumps and spins but it should not be a problem. I get dressed in my costume and head back out. "For this mission you are Thomas Baker, 20. An ice skater that was not found before now because he lived in a small town in Washington."

"Got it."

"This is your debut. After the mission you can use this identity as you wish."


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