You get drunk at VMAS

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: YES|No

can you please write anything about drunk vmas taylor swift ? she actually has me going crazy, maybe we meet at the bar or reader(preferably female) is sitting next to her?

If there was one thing you were not good at, it was public speaking.

Even though it's part of your job at times, you would always try to find away to get out of it and they would have someone take your place.

Much to your dismay, you were unable to get out of the next one as it took place at VMAS. The job was for you to speak and hand out awards at the same time, this time you really couldn't do it. Or at least, that's how you felt about it, it didn't matter to you with celebrity you were presenting the award to. However, something happened that changed your mind about the whole thing after unexpectedly meeting your all time idol, not to mention crush while getting a drink to calm your nerves in the building.

Your idol and crush was Taylor Swift, and you had no idea that she had won something.

Seeing her in person made your eyes see that she was even more beautiful in person then in the pictures you've seen of her. Taylor sat there at the bar counter, waiting for her drink to be served she just ordered moments before. Watching her, she seemed to think she was the only person in the world in the world until you took the only available seat next to her, putting in your order. You were on edge and it was easy for Taylor to take notice, so she asks about your well-being sincerely wanting to know how she can help you out.

"Is everything okay?" she asks fondly.

It took you a few moments to register the fact that she was talking to you, out of everybody there, Taylor had chosen you to talk to and you didn't want to screw up.

"Just nervous is all." you respond honestly.

"Why is that?"

"I have to give speeches and I hate public speaking."


The conversation between you and Taylor had grown so deeply that you had lost track of how much you've had to drink while you kept track of time when you had to go back to work and start your job.

You had no problem walking and getting there on your own, but since Taylor was worried about you stumbling or getting lost on your way there, she walked with you, offering you her arm, which you gladly take. Taylor wanted to make sure you got there safely, and you were thankful beyond words for that act of selfless kindness.

Before you know it, you are presenting the awards to the nominated celebrities, Taylor being the second to last. While you were doing this, you have the entire audience a show of your own. Just from being tipsy, saying things that made no sense and things you normally wouldn't say in the first place. But it was enough to be hilarious. You wouldn't have remembered any of this, speaking into the microphone telling the people there you need to start looking into getting signed up for a good sex school. You've said this as you present Taylor her winning and earning award as she was laughing so hard at your drunken statement.

Eventually, your manager has to pull you off stage before things escalated.m and sent you home. You wouldn't remember this either, but you accepted Taylor's invitation to start the night at her place and it wasn't until the following morning did Taylor inform you of the events from the previous night. It had your cheeks flush very noticeably, although vaguely remembered something like that.

"That was real?! I thought I had dreamt that!"

Taylor giggled as you cover your face with your hands.

"Nope. That was real." she confirms.

"Oh, god.."

"Don't fret, something will come up soon that will make everyone forget this."

You agreed, though you still weren't one hundred percent sure if it. But you trusted Taylor enough to try and believe it.

Taking her word for it, you did so wholeheartedly.

Requests are open!!!

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