You get targeted by the other team

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(Requested) @HarryPotter_Lover47

You never thought you'd become a target of the Chiefs.

Why they had chosen you to pick on, you don't know and maybe you'll never know. Sometimes you wonder if it's because you're a female football player, and the only one of that by far. When they pick on you, you try to ignore it, thinking to yourself that they're just jealous of your relationship with Taylor or they just don't approve of your relationship.

Another idea you had in mind was maybe it was because they believed they have every right to do so, to anyone and they had chosen you for it, seemingly making you as miserable as possible, obviously wanting you off the other team as one even told you once that girls don't belong in football, don't stand a chance in becoming a good player. But they were wrong there, you were the best player out of everyone on your team. You were an offensive player, and you were getting picked on by the other team. If you were being honest with yourself, you never thought you'd see the day where you'd become a target of not only the Chiefs, but to anyone else. Being a target was something you strayed from letting get to you, from letting it become too much of a negative distraction.

Instead, you put your focus on your biggest supporter, not to mention lover, Taylor Swift. You remember the moment she had announced your relationship and making it official on social media, everyone went wildly excited over it and were happy. But you didn't have everyone's support, you had haters as you had lovers. The day of the Superbowl had come and you were on the San Francisco team, and once again, you were playing against the Chiefs. You were nervous about the game, but you don't let that bother you too much knowing Taylor was there to watch you play and show her support.

When your team made the first few scores, you had a spark of hope that San Francisco just might win after all. That small feeling of victory was ripped away when the Chiefs caught up and were now winning by a point ahead. The moment your team had lost the Super Bowl devastated you, it was a crushing blow and it hurt your heart a lot. It became too much for you to handle that you literally fell to your knees with your face in your hands as tears fall down your cheeks. This prevented you from taking notice of Taylor running your way so she could do anything that might help cheer you up a bit. Taylor couldn't stand to see you this way, it broke her heart as well seeing the state you were in and knowing you were most likely mentally kicking yourself and blaming yourself for the loss when in reality, it wasn't your fault at all.

So lost in thought, Taylor's gentle hand clasped on your shoulders as she kneeled next to you, putting a comforting arm around you, pulling you close to her in a warm embrace while beginning to rub soothing circles on your back, hushing you at the same time, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Just as you were beginning to feel better, beginning to feel it was just the two of you in whole world, the teasing started up again and it was worse than ever this time because this time, Taylor had heard it as the players were nearby. After hearing such cruel words that were directed right at you, Taylor didn't take it too kindly and started to make her way over for a confrontation in your defense.

What you didn't know was a few players on your team had heard it too and they were ready to defend you as well. Taylor continued on against your protests, ignoring you as if she didn't hear you call out to her.

"No, Taylor! This will just make things worse than they already are!"

Before you could even try to go after her to stop her, your team held you back, leaving you no choice but to witness what was about to happen.

Needless to say, the players were just as rude to Taylor.

"A girl like her doesn't belong in football, any girl for that matter. She should get suspended from football the rest of her life and never let woman play."

"Exactly, with a woman player, no one stands a chance with winning if they have one on their team." says the other.

Taylor walks up before another word could be said.

"I'm sorry, but did we invite you into this conversation?" one sneered.

Taylor ignored the question like yesterday's trash and dived right into it, doing this in order to protect you.

You team were ready to help her in doing that any given time. Before Taylor starts talking, letting them have it before she could stop herself. She was just so angry, no one in the world deserves to be treated in such a way. Absolutely no one, especially you, her girlfriend, her lover. Well, she didn't get into it right away, per se, she was silent at first until one of them speak up once again.

"Got something you wanna say, little woman?"

"Oh, yes I do! That woman over there is my girlfriend you're picking on, I don't appreciate the both of you disrespecting her like that, I mean, don't you even have enough common sense even for self respect?! Seriously, how old are you two? Ten?"

It was pretty obvious to tell that the players were taken aback by Taylor's sudden, unexpected outburst, she continues.

"If I hear anything more about you bothering her again, you will be held accountable in court, I can promise you both that. Consider this your one and only warning and if you knew what's good for you, you'll listen."

Taylor was beginning to seethe within her rage, a rage you never knew she had, a rage she had always kept hidden until now.

"Now get out of my sight before I report the both of you to your coach!"

You couldn't help but allow your mouth to fall open as you watch the two players actually listen to Taylor and take a different direction away from your group.

You in awe.. Taylor was amazing and she handled that in the best way possible, probably handling it better than anyone else ever could. You couldn't help but feel proud of her, proud of yourself for having such an amazing girlfriend and teammates. All of this was truly a blessing that was meant for you and that made you feel good. Once they were gone and out of sight, Taylor turns back and makes her way over to you with a promise.

"You don't have to worry anymore, they will no longer bother you." she says, hugging you once more.

You remain silent and Taylor grows a little concerned for you, pulling just slightly away, enough so that she could look into your eyes before saying anything.

"Are you okay, love?"

"Yes, better than okay."

You quickly pull Taylor's body against yours before she could have anything else to say about the situation.

Taylor's warning seemed to have worked, as you never had picked on and teased so terribly after that. You owe a lot to Taylor.

Taylor had saved you.

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