You're scared of thunderstorms

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Sleep was not on your side tonight, it was unusual for you to not fall asleep after you and Taylor come across an argument.

You were in the guest bedroom, tossing and turning, trying desperately to get to sleep. However, the crackling thunderstorm outside made sleep impossible.

The argument you had with Taylor was over something so ridiculous that you can't even remember what it was about or who started it for that matter. Above the spare bedroom, which you were currently lying in, was the bedroom you and Taylor shared. That was where Taylor was and you just assumed Taylor was already asleep. But when you begin to hear Taylor's footsteps pacing above you, you knew different. Even though you were both upset with each other, you couldn't help but miss her company and comfort terribly.

Taylor knew just how much thunderstorms bothered and scared you, and through each thunderstorm she would ride out with you by holding you close to her, wrapping you in a tight embrace that reassured you it was safe for you to fall asleep. Thinking back on that thought, that memory of each storm, had you knowing that's what you needed now more than anything. Back upstairs, Taylor was unable to fall asleep herself, she was finding it difficult and nearly impossible just as well. Each time she was just about to fall asleep, a loud clap of thunder sounded and would startle her awake. This happened on several occasions, and she eventually got fed up with it, now pacing around the room in frustration.

It would happen all over again, along with the rain pounding hard on the window. For a while, Taylor thought the rain was close to breaking the window. It wasn't just the noise that kept her up, it was the feeling as if she was missing something. That part of her didn't take long to figure out, it was you she was missing, her other half. You were the missing piece of the puzzle, the only missing piece that would fit perfectly in the empty space. By now, neither of you were no longer upset with each other, but it was the fear of the thunderstorm that kept you frozen in place. You weren't making the first approach due to fear, so Taylor is the one to make the first move to come to you.

A light knock comes to the door as you're hiding your head under the blankets. The knock slightly gave you a fright as you were not expecting it, but you were quick to respond positively to it, not being able to stand being in the midst of the storm any longer. Clearing your throat, you granted Taylor access and invited her to come in.

"Come in, it's open."

You crawl out of the covers and look towards Taylor as the door creaked open.

After seeing she was in, you didn't hesitate to make immediate room for her to be next to you on the bed. Taylor climbs in next to you, pulling you in her embrace before speaking. Now that Taylor was there with you, you felt safe once again, like nothing in the world could get you, bring you any harm as long as Taylor was there. Since the argument was the furtherest thing from one's mind, it wasn't brought up. Instead, it was left behind in the past as if it didn't happen at all, and that's how it should be.

"Are you okay, my baby?"

"I am now that you're here."

Taylor presses you closer to her as if you weren't close enough already, but hey, you weren't complaining. If anything, you very much welcomed this closeness as it helped reduced your anxiety level that was being chased through the roof by the storm, just as Taylor had come in to be with you.

All of this is what you needed in order to remain calm, and to ride out the through the storm with Taylor. After offering reassurance, Taylor flips you over into your side so that your back is facing her. You closed your eyes and hummed as she begins to rub soothing circles on your back, than she begins to quietly sing to you a lullaby and that helped you to relax more.

"You pull out my chair and help me in, and you don't know how nice that is but I do..."

Hearing Taylor's comforting and soothing voice, let alone having her there with you is what did the trick to help you manage sleep. It was really all you needed, nothing else could have possibly worked.

And sleep was finally made possible.

Thanks to Taylor.

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