Time of month (part 2)

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It was sudden, not something you were expecting at all. You both were laying on the bed, cuddling while watching a cheesy romantic comedy, Taylor occasionally littering the top of your head with kisses and making snide comments about the predictable plot and select characters. While she said something particularly funny and you laughed, a warm sensation spread across the bundle of blankets and sheets you were sitting on.

"Hold on, pause it. I have to go to the bathroom." You told her, jumping off the mountain of comfy warmth and waddling over to the bathroom, closing the door behind you.

Just as you got done, you felt a wave of painful cramps crash over you like waves hitting the shore, except it wasn't comforting or soothing, it hurt, like hell. Standing up, you can see the clear red in the toilet behind you, and the realization hit you. You're on your period. However, this epiphany had also reached Taylor.

"Hey, sweetheart, what's with the bloodbath on the bed?" she calls, although she knows the answer.

With a grumble, you flush the toilet and grab a pad under the sink and put it on, heading out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, Tay. I didn't realize it was time." Taylor laughs, her hand dismissively waving away your apology as if it were a nosy fly.

"No need, baby. C'mon, let's cuddle. I'll make you some ramen." she says before taking off the stained blankets and sheets, changing them for another assortment, spraying them with a stain remover and hoarding them into the washer, turning it on.

"Get comfy." she instructs with a grin as she goes out to make the ramen she promised.

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