You fall asleep in her lap

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It wasn't your fault she was warm.

Like a space heater or those heated tiles in your home to keep out the bitter cold. It radiated off her in waves and settled around you like an old blanket you've kept for too long—ragged in the corners—but too familiar and comforting to throw out.

It wasn't your fault this meeting had been dragging on for hours either. You've been at the studio for the whole day with Taylor and it was one of those days that a meeting was scheduled. You tried not to complain too much, because all that mattered to you was the fact that you were by Taylor's side the whole time, and that to you, was heaven on earth.

Taylor had days like this, occasionally. Days when there was nothing but meetings, days they would discuss the work more than they would be doing the work. Nothing but droning voices and on those days she preferred to keep you with her. She said it was so you didn't get lonely if you'd stay home, but you knew she had you sit on her lap in front of her coworkers and manager because she got off on your embarrassment. Got some infuriating amusement out of you trying your best to pretend she was nothing but an elaborate couch cushion while you desperately tried to sound like you knew what you were talking about.

But you didn't.

And it wasn't your fault that Taylor was much more comfortable than any piece of stuffed fabric. And smelled like clean laundry and pine and that way that people smell that's just them.

And it wasn't your fault that she never held you like this—arm securely around your waist, hand pressing your head into the crook of her neck. In public, that is. She never touched you in public, not this gently.

Not that you wanted her too.

Not that you wanted to press your face into her chest and let your eyes shut like they so desperately wanted to and breathe her in.

And so what if you did?

So what if you relaxed into it for once, and let yourself drift off. And if she happened to pull you closer, happened to hold you a bit tighter, well you wouldn't complain.Taylor wasn't just your girlfriend, but she was your home. No matter where you go together, or even if you were just having a quiet evening at home. At first, you didn't mean to fall asleep, but when Taylor started running her fingers lightly through your hair, that's what lured you to sleep. You couldn't tell if she was trying to put you to sleep on purpose, but it didn't matter anymore once your eyes were closed.

For your personal opinion, you believed this was on purpose. You weren't upset at Taylor or anything, you found it more amusing than anything.

Taylor loved the feeling of holding you on her lap, finding some way to cuddle you a little bit without making it too suspicious. But you both knew everyone there already knew, though they continued on as if nothing happened and before you know it, Taylor was gently shaking you awake. She was telling you the meeting was over and you both could go home at last and do whatever you desired.

Neither of you had never felt more grateful while leaving the studio.

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