Time of month

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: YES|No

Sometimes when either of you are on the time of month, things can turn into chaos and almost feel like world war three was about to begin.

But in the end, it always gets better and things make it okay between the two of you as you rekindle after the five days of hell. When it's Taylor's time, she doesn't tell or say anything about it to you. She wakes up that morning to the all too familiar feeling of cramp pain and brushes it off at first.

Taylor does her absolute best to hold it back for as long as she can, and you hate that she does that. Although you understand she might feel embarrassed to let you in on what's going on, making her feel discover, that she could always talk to you about it without having to worry about being judged or found gross for it. The last several times this happened, she felt that she was going to have a breakdown sometime soon. Without you noticing, she had taken ibuprofen to control the cramp pain the whole day and was the most secretive when it was time for her to go to the bathroom to change. Taylor kept it all in until she had run out of supplies, having no choice but to reveal by asking if you had any extras.

But unfortunately, you were out as well and you could feel yours starting to begin at that point. So you had offered to drive into town and pick up the supplies. Taylor agrees and fell asleep on the couch while you had gone out, Taylor had the tv running on in the background as she slept.

Taylor was not often a light sleeper, however in cases such as this, she becomes a little more of a light sleeper due to the intensity of cramp pains. After you made sure Taylor was comfortable to lay on the couch, you had gone out and started collecting the things Taylor is in need of. While you were picking up those items, you had an idea and decided to bring a treat back to Taylor to help cheer her up and keep her mind off things, mainly the cramp pain. Once you made sure that everything needed was now in the basket, you begin making your descent back towards the front, but not until after picking up what you had in mind.

On your way back was when you picked up Taylor's favorite candy bar, which was a milk chocolate symphony bar along with a movie she has been wanting. When you got home, you were surprised to find that Taylor was no longer where you left her. What was more surprising was finding Taylor in the kitchen about to pour herself a glass of red wine that she had set on the counter. The thing is, you had watched Taylor as she stopped this habit after learning that you shouldn't drink anything like that while on the time of month.

But you've returned home, planning on taking
care of her and comfort her.

Just as soon as you walked in, she had stopped almost immediate as if she was caught in the act of breaking the law. After a few seconds of silence, Taylor begins to talk, trying to explain her actions to you.

"I wasn't going to have very much..."

"I still don't think this is a good idea, Taylor."

"Yes, well I have a little bit of a headache I'm trying to get rid of."

"Well, put that away. I've got something even better that will certainly help out."

You don't leave the kitchen until after Taylor puts away the wine and glass cup before following you back out to the couch.

Before either of you take your spot, you help Taylor by giving her the supplies she said that was needed and as she takes off to help herself while you remake her bed as you wait. Once Taylor comes back, you give her the candy bar and movie you got for her, smiling as she does when she sees what you brought her.

"How about a movie?" She asks, holding it up to show you.

"That's exactly what I was going to suggest." you say, smiling as you take the movie and put it in.

As you were about to take your usual spot, a few feet away from Taylor, she stops you.

"Don't leave me by myself, I was hoping you would want to cuddle."

Without another word or hesitation, you joined Taylor on the couch, snuggled behind her, wrapping your arm around her. Not long after, you begin checking on her to see how she was feeling.

"Feeling any better?" you ask.

You get no response, you look down and call her name again.

"Taylor?" you ask.

A closer look is all it takes for you to realize she has already fallen back asleep in your arms.

You couldn't help but begin to feel protective as you hold her a little tighter. You loved moments like these, it made your relationship with Taylor stronger. Taylor was your world and you would do anything and whatever it took when it comes to taking care of her and helping her to feel better.

Taylor loved you more than anything.

She loved you to pieces.

Requests are open!!!

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