She makes you cry during an argument

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No m

Your hands shook at the sight; you just couldn't help but stare at it in utter disbelief and not to mention disappointment.

This was Taylor's favorite pillow, one that comes at a great expanse, and now it was completely destroyed by your blood. As you stare at it, you couldn't help but feel the stinging sensation at the corner of your eyes as the tears become to come around at the horrific sight.

Taylor was normally a very understanding girlfriend, and when it comes to your time of the month, Taylor understood if you had left a bloodstain in the expensive set of bedsheets the next morning as they were usually easy to clean up and get rid of. Only this time would be different, it wasn't on the sheets but the pillow and there was more than just one spot of your blood. The only thing you knew what had to be done was the spots needed to be cleaned off before Taylor gets home that evening and what you didn't know was that she was currently on her way home after getting done at the studio early and wanted to surprise you.

It was never meant to turn out as a disaster, but that's how it turned out. Taylor's pillows were stacked on top of each other as you had gone and grabbed hold of the cleaning supplies you would need to scrub the stains out with an old toothbrush, but not before deciding on putting on a movie to watch as you do so. Just as you begin scrubbing, you were quickly interrupted by Taylor who was very clearly unhappy at the sight of you with her pillow in hand.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She nearly screeched, causing you to jump in fright.

You immediately fumble with words.

"I was.. um.."

"Well, it certainly didn't look like you were up to any good."

Before you could react, she snapped the pillow out of your grip and gasped before giving you a dirty look.

"Seriously, (Y/n)?"

"I'm sorry..."

"I don't want to hear it, I want an explanation! Now!"

Taylor angrily chucks the pillow back at you, folding her arms and waited.

You had to swallow the lump in your throat before taking a deep breath as you continued to explain.

"Well, I'm on that time and I may have gotten some on your pillow by mistake. I'm sorry Taylor. I really didn't mean to."

You were on the edge of losing it, those tears needed to spill and you refused.

You were not going to cry in front of Taylor, not like this, not unless you absolutely had to. You stood waiting for a response, but the one you got was the one you least expected as her anger towards you grew. You watch as her mouth begins to open before it quickly closes as if she changes her mind on what she's about to say and says something else instead.

"I think I better go for a drive before I say something I'll soon regret."

You didn't want Taylor to leave you behind, but you thought it might be the best idea for now at least and agreed before letting her go just temporarily.

(Part 2 coming soon!)

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