Golden Week

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Sunny's pov

I was practising with Cameron with my spiking skills and his setting skills. When Cameron tossed the ball above the net, I could jump higher than my sister. I ran up, but before I could jump. I saw someone run in front of me, jump high, and spike the ball instead. They landed on the ground and when I got a closer look, it was Traison. I puffed my cheeks and glared at him. He turns around to look at me and smirks.

"Aw, did I take your spot?" He mocked. An irk mark appeared on my forehead and I lifted my open palm and a water bubble appeared. He played when he realised what he did and he spiked the ball that was for me to hit.

"I'm going to send a bunch of water bubbles at you until you drop dead" I yelled and threw the water bubble at him. He ducks in time, but the gym's door opens and the bubble hits Tanaka's face and he's soaked with water.

"What the?! I just came in and I got splashed with water? Traison, Cameron, did you two do it? I know you have dragon slayer magic" Tanaka pointed at the two.

"You know I have fire magic and Cameron has ice magic. The only person who has water dragon slayer magic is Heath. But, since he's not here. Sunny was the one who threw that" Traison pointed at me.


"If you didn't jump and spike the ball. I wouldn't have thrown it at Tanaka and you duck when he opens the door" I muttered.

"Wow, so we have another dragon slayer! Huh," Tanaka grinned.

"So, is anyone else a dragon slayer in the first years?" He asks.

"Just me and Aiden" I replied to him.

"Oh, so what elements do you have?" He questions.

"I can use water, ice, wind, earth, and a bit of fire but still training and that's it" I listed them.

"Wow, that's amazing, I bet you could even be stronger than your sister" He smirks, and I wave at him.

"Nah, she's a lot stronger than me, she can use all our elements and some different ones as well. So, I'm still learning" I smiled.

"Well, good luck with that. Just make sure to not use your magic when we're on the court. People still don't know about your magic. Traison and Jenna told us about you guys being dragon slayers. At first, we didn't believe them and then they showed us the truth. Man, that was epic and badass" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, although we had to do it somewhere we didn't get in trouble. We told the teachers about it and they were ok as long we don't use it in school" Cameron smiled.

"Yeah, so, you can practise in the gym?" He asks.

"Yeah, although it was Traison's fault for spiking the ball that was for me" I crossed my arms. I felt a hand ruffling my hair and saw Tanaka grinning down at me since I am the shortest boy here.

"Don't worry, you'll get your revenge back on him" He smirks at Traison, they seem to stare at each other before the doors open again and the rest of the team comes in.

"Hey, sorry, we came late. Had to do something for the teacher" Heath rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, no shit, anyways let's hurry and practice" Aiden grinned and we got time to play a mini practice game with each other.

Rebecca's pov

When I'm pissed and about to shoot my shadows. I mean it, we were outside of the gym and this girl wasn't going to let go of the pole, we had to get at least 5 people trying to pull her off, but she wouldn't budge because she didn't want to get on the train and we need to leave for the Golden Week Training Camp and this girl is making it harder for us.

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