Practice Match Day

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Traison's pov

The next day at school, we're having a practice match with another school. I wish it was Nekoma, so I can beat Rosella, but she's just going to wipe the floor with us instead. We even did all the exams lately.

"Hey, Traison, hurry up the others are waiting for us," Aiden said.

"Eh, yeah, coming," I said before grabbing my bag.

We made it on time before the other school came and saw everyone setting everything ready. We were doing spiking drills for a bit before the match started and we had to get change. Of course, we didn't change with the others so we had to go and change in the changing room.

"Hey, Traison" I heard Heath call. Before pulling my shirt off.

"Yeah, what?" I answered.

"Do you think we can hide these for a little longer? I think some of them are getting suspicious about us changing" He said and I looked around to see them have their eyes on me. Jenna wasn't here so I have to do the talking. I look down at my arms that have scars on them along with the rest of my body and I can tell with the others as well.

"Only if you guys are ready. You don't have to show them, only if you're comfortable with it. I think Rosella hasn't shown her scars yet. They think we're getting abused or something, but these scars show the battle we face in the past and I think people might get the wrong idea. I think we can do it for a little while. Come on, the others are waiting" I said before pulling my number 15 shirt on and putting cream on the scars to hide them on my arms and I helped Sunny with his.

"Alright, let's go," I say as we walk into the gym and stand with the others.

Third pov

Karasuno and Ogi Nishi High were in the match. Kageyama did a serves ace and earned them a point. Sunny jumped high above the net and Kageyama set the ball to him and spiked it down.

'Whoa, I didn't know Sunny could jump that high?' Yachi thought after giving them a point.

Kageyama set to Asahi as he spiked it down. The ball was about to hit the floor, but Aiden quickly got to it and the ball went up.

'Whoa, Aiden is really fast to get the ball' Yachi smiled a little at her friends.

Time skip

After the match finish. It was time to pack up. Sunny and Aiden saw Yachi talking to Hinata and smiled before putting the pole away in the storage room.

"Yachi, how do you like it so far?" Jenna ask.

"Um, it's good and amazing. And I want to join, but I think I know a bit more time" Yachi bowed to her.

"No, it's ok, I was just asking" Jenna smiled.

"Whoa, Jenna smiled at someone other than Kiyoko. I think she likes Yachi" Traison teased. Jenna hung her head down. Yachi was confused and was surprised to hear what Heath said next.

"I think Jenna has a crush on her. I bet Jenna wants a date with Yachi and Kiyoko" Heath laughed, Yachi erupted in bright red, but she gasped when she saw Jenna turn around and shoot lightning at them. Making Traison and Heath scream in pain.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, I think I beat you to death again" Jenna threatened. Traison and Heath paled stepped away and hid behind Daichi and Tadashi. Somehow, Yachi was scared but amazed about it.

"Sorry about that, those boys don't know when to shut their mouths" Jenna eyed them.

"No, it's ok, it's just you caught me surprise when you use magic. I know Sunny and Aiden use magic, I was surprised that's all" Yachi smiled.

"Alright, well, it's getting late. Do you want me to walk you home?" Jenna asks and Yachi just shakes her head.

"No, it's ok," Yachi said.

Jenna smiled and walked to Kiyoko and talked to her. Sunny and Aiden smiled at each other before walking out of the gym.

Time skip

Yachi agreed to be the manager and everyone welcomed her. The exams are finished, but the results are not yet. Until when they get to class. Their teachers have their answers and wait for the results they need to get to Tokyo. ________________________________________________________________________________

Yeah, I tried to follow the anime and also add scenes to it where it can fit. I hope you enjoyed it.

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