Tokyo and Exams

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Traison's pov

After Takeda explains about the final exams. Tanaka, Hinata, Nishinoya and Kageyama started screaming. Tanaka and Nishinoya even started running away, but Ennoshita got them.

"I don't get it. Are they that bad at their subjects?" Heath asks, I just shrug

"Hey, don't look at me. I don't know about it" I answered.

"Hold on, Heath, Traison. Do you guys get passing grades?" Hinata asks us.

"Um, yeah, we pass. Despite for us being troublemakers, we at least focus in class and get higher grades. At least I get to have a higher grade than Heath this year" I smirk.

"No way, after the results come out, we'll see who got the better grades after the exams" Heath yelled. I let out a snicker at him.

"Not sure, I think my sister has better grades than you guys," Sunny said. We glared at him and he just looked away with a stupid grin on his face.

"Shut up, we'll see who gets the best grade. The three of us. Cameron, Jenna and Aiden don't count, but if we can call Rosella what was her score? Maybe, we could even score higher than hers" Heath laughed.

"I wouldn't brag about it when she always gets the best scores. Although, I might get scores higher than both of you" Aiden said, we slowly turned our heads to him.

"Aiden Foy. You're going down" Heath and I both yelled at him.

"Looks like I might be in for a little fun" Aiden smirked.

"Alright, let's go and clean up and head home," Ukai said.

"Yes, sir"

Third pov

Tsukishima and Tadashi agreed to help out. Sunny and Aiden also help them since they would score the highest in their class. Traison and Heath were playing games on their phones linking to each other. They ask for Rosella's help, but she is stuck tutoring with the others.

"Get those blades, Traison" Heath said quickly destroying the enemy in their game.

"I'm trying," Traison said.

"Eh, why are they here if they are not studying" Hinata asked pointing at the water and fire dragon slayers.

"Oh, sorry. We had to go home together and these two don't know when to quit playing" Sunny sighed.

"They always score the highest grades in class" Tanaka grumbled.

"Maybe, I should ask Yachi and help me study" Sunny said quietly.

"Same" Aiden agreed.

"Alright, we're going to head home now. Don't stay up too late" Sunny said as he packed up.

"Yeah and I heard Uncle Thomas is making beef stew tonight" Cameron said that made Heath and Traison stop playing and quickly pack their stuff and run out of the club room.

"BEEF STEW HERE WE COME" They both yelled running down the streets.

"Hey, those guys got a head start" Sunny complained.

"Well, Rosella, Rebecca and Romeo are already at home making the beef stew. Let's hurry up before those guys eat it all" Jenna said.

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow" Suga waved and Cameron sneakily kissed his cheek before chuckling when he saw Suga's face turn red.

"Cameron, I'll get you back" Suga muttered, Nishinoya and Tanaka snickered back with Suga's glare made them stop.

The Next Day

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