A New Army Approaches

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Cameron's pov

The explosion was coming from inside the building. There are people and teams still inside. They could be in danger. I turn to Eita.

"Eita," I began but he stopped me.

"You have a job to do and I'm going to come with you," He said and I just stared at him.

"What! You can't come with me. You'll be in danger and you're new to the magic you have. I can't lose you, not again. I lost you once, and I'm not going to lose you again, so please stay away from here and go back to your team" I pleased.

"You can't do this on your own," Eita said before a loud came from above them. They then saw a figure coming down and heading to the Shiratorzawa bus.

"Damn it, let's go," I said before running to the bus with Eita following me.

When I took a closer look, it was the giant robot from the training camp that we had to defeat. I'm about to kill James if this keeps up every time.

"Now, what?" Eita questions, I look around the place to see if anyone is there, but I guess they ran away from seeing the robot. The only people here are the Shiratorizawa team and I need to get them to safety.

"Ok, Eita, I have a plan," I said.

"Ok, what is it?" He asks.

"Ok, I'll distract the robot, you'll go and get your team out of here. After that, make sure everyone is ok and don't return until everything is clear" I explain.

"Fine, but I will be coming back to check on you. Have you faced one of these guys before?" He questioned and I smirked.

"Yeah, at the summer training camp. There were lots but I think I can stop this one alone," I said.

"Fine, but remember, I'll come back to check if you're alive" He glared at me and I smiled.

"Ok, but only when everything is clear," I say seeing the robot getting closer to the bus.

"Sure, now let's do this," He said getting ready to run.

"Alright, you go first so it doesn't see you and I'll yell at it or magic shoot my magic at it" I shrug at the last part.

Eita went left and I went right and ran to the robot. I stop near the legs of it and decide to yell at it.

"HEY" I shouted but it didn't turn around.

"HEY, OVER HERE" I tried yelling as much and waving my arms around but it didn't work. Ok, I will try to scream at it again before shooting my magic at it.

"HEY, STUPID ROBOT I'M OVER HERE. ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING" I shouted and it still didn't turn around. That's it, I'm just going to shoot at it.


A burst of ice came out and hit the robot's head; this time, it turned around to face me with red glowing eyes. I smirked and told Eita it was his turn to go. I stared at the red eyes.

"Hey, if you want me. Come and get me" I grin before running away from the robot and it follows me.

I made a run for it and it slowly got to me. I ran to where the buildings were likely abandoned for the moment. But, before I could go, the robot's leg was in front of me. How the hell did it get so fast? I wasn't that slow? I looked up and saw a figure on top of its head.

"So, I see it's just you, Cameron. All alone without your help of your teammates" James smirked and I glared at him.

I ran and jumped on the robot before going for the sprints and hands surrounded my ice as I was about to punch him, a giant robot hand caught me.

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