Practice Match

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Third pov

Karasuno and Nekoma stared at each other, not saying a word. Rosella placed her hand on her hip, smirking at her brother.

"Rosella, are you really in Nekoma?" Sunny gaped. The other dragon slayers turn away from their opponents and see their leader with a grin on her face.

"Yep, now you all know what school Rebecca and I go to," She said before she felt an impact on her forehead as she yelped and held her forehead in pain. Everyone was shocked and stared at the sight.

"Fuck, what the hell is your problem" She glared at the person who threw a rock at her and that someone was Traison.

"You guys made a fucking bet about us and you're going to pay for it" Traison yelled. A little lightning was between them before their magic was out and ready to burst out.

"You think just because you found out about us being in different schools? Well, who cares when Nekoma is going to win and beat you crows down and be the wingless losers you are" Rosella smirked. Traison's body was on fire.

"I'll fucking show you little kitty cats how to bow" Traison pointed and then the two were at each other.

"I'll fucking show you little kitty cats how to bow" Traison pointed and then the two were at each other

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Both Karasuno and Nekoma were stunned by the two dragon slayers fighting each other. The other dragon slayers and Rebecca either sighed or shook their heads. Jenna walks up to them, grabs their heads, and smashes their heads together making them groan in pain. The teams sweatdropped looking at the two dragon slayers at the ground.

"That hurt" Traison slowly got up rubbing his head.

"I hate it when she does that" Rosella whispered rubbing her forehead, the two glared at each other before standing up.

"So, you guys are done fighting?" Rebecca crossed her arms. Rosella and Traison look at each other before looking away.

"Ok, I think it's time for the match now," Kuroo said, putting a hand on Rosella's shoulder.

"Yeah, save some energy for the game," Daichi said, patting Traison's shoulder, but both knew that the two dragon slayers were glaring at each other before Sunny came in between them.

"Come on, stop glaring at each other, and let's play volleyball" He cheered. Rosella sighed and relaxed her shoulders. Traison also sighs and rubs the back of his neck. Rosella was about to walk inside when she smelled a familiar scent and saw Kageyama.

"Ah, little Tobio, so great to see you again. I heard a little birdie tell me about your match with them. How was it to beat one of the powerhouse schools" She smirks, then feels a smack on her head and glares at Rebecca. Then, Hinata jumped in front of her.

"Whoa, how did you know we beat Seijoh?" Hinata exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I heard one or two birdies tell me about it. I can tell they were surprised about your quick attacks. I wonder if I'm going to stop it when we play. But, Tobio, they did say you need to eat. Look at you, you're still skinny the last time I saw you," Rosella said, poking Kageyama's hips.

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