Illusionary Hero

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Third pov

Traison was in the bathroom straightening his hairstyle as he looked in the mirror. Then he started remembering how he met Rosella before their parents passed away and met the VB team and his crush on two people.


A 5-year-old Traison was standing behind his mom so shy hiding his face in his mom's legs. They met up with the De La Hoya family. That's when he met Rosella when they were younger.

They didn't talk to each other because of their shyness, their parents would try to get them to talk but they would get shy with each other and don't know how to form words with each other. One day, 3 bullies approached Traison and messed with him at the park.

"Well, well, well look what we have here. The loser who can't fight" Bully 1 smirked and pushed Traison to the ground.

"Yeah, looks like the crybaby wants his mommy" Bully 2 laughed.

"Aw, well too bad and carry our stuff" Bully 3 pointed at him and threw his bag. Traison yelped in pain as the bag hit his face and his eyes began to fill with water.

"Aw, he's going to cry again" Bully 2 laughed again.

"Hey, leave him alone, you bullies" They turn around to see Rosella glaring at the three bullies.

"Oh, a girl is protecting this loser. Come on, you can do better than that" Bully 1 said walking up to her. Rosella scoffs and smacks the bully's face. The other two gasped while Traison stared in shock.

"If you don't leave, I'll call my mom and she can call your moms and you'll be in trouble with them" Rosella said. The bullies glared at her before walking away from them.

"You win this round, but next time. I'll beat you up more" Bully 1 yelled.

"Oh yeah, you won't be beating anyone because you guys are going to be beaten by me if you come anyway near him" Rosella yelled.

Traison stared awed after Rosella saved him from his bullies. From then, they started to talk more and Traison knew better of Rosella and Sunny, her little brother. They even met the others because of their parents being friends. 

Until the day they passed away, they lost each other before dragons took them in, learned dragon slayer magic, and found each other when they joined the Fairy Tail guild. They take jobs with each other as a 7-member team. Everyone wanted Traison to be the leader, but he decided to let Rosella be the team leader and everyone decided to agree with it and everything went well. They even met Natsu, Gray and Erza in the guild and everyone else that joined in and grew up as teenagers. 

They decided to name the team 'The Legends' and they even became famous for their singing and dancing performances with their magic. On one job, they met Romeo who lost his family due to Rebecca being controlled by her father and Romeo wanted his cousin back. They let him in the team to rescue Rebecca from her father and let her join the guild, despite what she did with them. They gave her a second chance to redeem herself and become a better person.

Of course, Rebecca and Rosella do fight a lot more than Traison and Rosella. But, that's how 'The Legends' work and they can solve any problem that comes to them and they can deal with it. Until the day they tried to fight the dark wizard that sent them to another world and met the VB teams. Then, they met with Jay De La Hoya and his husband and their child, Felix. Rosella and Rebecca were with them and guided them through the new world.

Traison went to Karasuno with Heath after Cameron and Jenna joined in first and afterwards, Sunny and Aiden came as first years. He wondered where Rosella, Rebecca and Romeo went since they didn't go to Karasuno but to different schools and on the VB teams.

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