Tournaments and Past

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Rosella's pov

Not only Lila is here in Japan, but no one told me about the Spring Inter-High, and I missed two of the matches when Karasuno faced Johzenji and Wakunan. I even heard from Traison that Tobio got hit in the face by the ball when he was blocking. I know that we need to block, but if he had to block the ball with his face, I could get a heart attack. 

Anyway, I was on my way to Seijoh because Romeo called me so that I could help them also Tooru snatched the phone from him wanting to talk to me before Hajime took the phone off again and gave it back to Romeo.

I arrive at the school and I can hear shoes squeaking and balls slamming down on the court. I opened the doors and smiled.

"Yo, hey guys" I called out.

"Ah, Rosella!" Tooru called and came running to me and hugged me in his arms.

"Hey, Tooru, so you called me to just see me?" I deadpans.

"No, ok, maybe, but I thought maybe you could help us with some moves when we go to the semi-finals," He said.

"Sure, but I won't give out too much, but I don't mind practising with you guys," I said.

"Awesome" Tooru cheered before getting dragged by Hajime.

"Hey, Rosella" I turn to see Kindaichi.

"Hey, what's up? Have you been getting taller? I don't like it when you are tall" I crossed my arms playfully. He chuckled.

"Well, I was wondering how Kageyama is doing. I hope he's doing well and everything alright at the training camp" He asks.

"He's doing better, and slowly opening up still. But, he will get better sooner or later. Let's wait for him" I smiled.

"Alright, but I hope Kuroo Senpai hasn't fed him too many fish," He said nervously, I chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry, Kuroo and the others are also looking out for him. Even Bokuto wanted to kidnap him and wants Kageyama to be at Fukurodani" I giggled.

"What?! We can't let Tobio be with those Owls. He should've come to Aoba Johsai instead of Karasuno" Tooru demanded, but he sounded someone familiar. I covered my mouth from laughing so hard. I can tell Hajime is also trying to hold his laugh because I can see his shoulders shaking.

"What? What's so funny? Rosella, Iwa?" He questioned us, and that's when Hajime lost it and burst out laughing and I followed along.

"Seriously, what the heck" Hajime managed to say between his laugh.

"Tooru, why do you sound like Ushiwaka all of a sudden" I said giggling before we heard a scream coming from the person that he realized what he said.

"WHAT!! NO, I DON'T I DO NOT SOUND LIKE HIM. I WILL NEVER BE LIKE HIM. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT. GOD DAMN IT" He shouted and Hajime and I calm down after we laughed.

"Hey, so you're here, Rosella. Glad you made it here in peace" We turned and saw Romeo standing at the door.

"Hey, yeah and since I already finish practice early. I didn't know what to do and you called, I think I wanted to practice with you guys" I smiled.

"So, what happened to Oikawa?" He asks.

"Oh, he said something that he wasn't meant to say but he did. Hajime and I realized what he said and he sounded like-"


Tooru cut me off by covering my mouth while I just smirked under his hand.

"OK, I'm just going to ignore that and let's have some practice games. The coaches already gave me the keys" Romeo said holding the keys.

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