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Branch was always known for not being the most happy person ever, that was confirmed by many trolls like his brothers or even poppy. Floyd, one of branch's brothers was always there for him. Almost always. It was noticeable that branch had secrets but he was good at hiding them from a young age. His brothers would always fight just like how John Dory would force them to be perfect, branch was far from perfect. It was probably why branch was so... miserable. The family fighting caused him a bit of trauma sending him into spirals of pain and sadness. Once his brothers left, he stayed with his grandma. It was hard for him to loose everything, including his grandma as well.


Branch's POV:
Finally we were a family again! We saved Floyd and I reunited my brothers, along with a amazing girlfriend. I honestly felt quite... well. I don't think I've ever felt really happy, Sometimes I feel like all the suffering I went through was still kinda there. Like a haunting curse.

"Bitty B!" A similar female voice called over. It was poppy!

"I told you I hate being called that poppy." Branch groaned, it just reminded him of bad times.

"I'm gonna go get some ice cream with tiny diamond, he needs to be watched" poppy giggled as tiny diamond glared her off in a 'I'm not a baby anymore!' Type way

"Okay whatever I'll see you soon" branch scoffed not realising how rude he had just sounded.

No ones pov:

Poppy reached and grabbed branch's hand, she looked at him with a little bit of sorrow, like she felt confused but also terrible on why he was acting so mean. She could tell something was up, branch was normally so much more lovey dovey now, since he got his colour back at least.

"You alright? What's up?" Poppy spoke concerned

"Sorry that was rude, I'll see you later okay? Stay safe" branch reinsured her

Branch turned around and looked away, he had walked off trying to be alone right now, but he could feel one of his brothers watching him.

"Where you going little guy?" Bruce called out.

Branch didn't turn around for him instead just kept walking, this confused everyone because they thought everything was okay now. Branch's chest felt heavy as he glanced at his finger with a shocked expression. His finger was completely faded! Was he going back into depression? Would his colours all fade? What would people say! Branch hadn't felt so bad since his grandma died. He tried to be sneaky grabbing a leaf trying to cover up his finger, instead he looked like a goofy idiot doing a secret spy mission.

"Whatcha hiding bitty b?" John Dory jumped up from behind him giving branch a fright.

"Nothing. My name is branch now alright" branch growled in a aggressive way.

"Come on give your big bro a look! Don't keep secrets now!" John Dory kept pushing branch.

Branch had felt like everyone was up his alley today! Why was everyone so concerned it's not like he's the centre of attention. More people should be worried about Floyd, he had been through a lot these passed days, branch felt extra bad since Floyd was always so sensitive and sweet. Branch glanced at Floyd. It looked like he was enjoying himself, so that was good. John Dory snapped his fingers infront of branch's face getting his attention back to him. Branch had kinda spaced out there... so embarrassing

"You gonna show me or am I gonna have to find out myself?" John Dory threatened in a joking way.

Branch didn't know what hit him right there but he felt the sudden urge of fear, nobody could know about this. It was too big of a secret. John Dory was a snitch he'd tell everyone! Then all the trolls would be worried asking him questions, making him talk about his feelings, which he hated! Branch pushed John Dory back, causing quite a scene. Floyd and Bruce caught attention of the Scene as John Dory gasped, he didn't expect that.

Clay was nowhere to be seen, probably with viva right now, doing whatever they do together. John Dory went to approach branch again but branch sprinted off to his bunker, he hadn't been there in a while since he'd been spending time at Poppy's place, it was nicer. He only needed the bunker when he felt unwell. He locked the hatch and went into his room hiding from everyone.

Floyd noticed something was up, he could tell when branch was upset, this was a very obvious moment. He wanted to go check on him so that's exactly what he did.

Branch's pov:
Fuck fuck fuck! The fade is spreading through my hand! I'm not sure what to do! Maybe I could stop the spread! but what would that do? I looked over to a bench, a shiny razor blade, which was used for cutting papers when poppy lost her scissors, it was a stupid replacement but this could work for now. Branch snatched the blade holding it in his hands. Am I really doing this? It's wrong.
I looked back at my hand, it was spreading fast!

"Oh well... it better work."

(Rewrite / fixed spelling mistakes)

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