Step on the glass

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Branch's pov:

my phone started ringing, snapping me straight out of my thoughts. I was shaking severely, my palms were so sweaty it was hard to grab my phone. The person ringing was Poppy, she was probably calling to have another go at me. I quickly calmed myself down and answered, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Branch, where are you?" Poppy questioned through the phone

"My bunker? Why do you ask...?" I mumbled

"I thought you'd wanna visit your brother? He woke up." Poppy mentioned

"Yeah I heard, I was with him this morning." I explained

"Yeah apparently Floyd can't remember anything, crazy! You really did a number on him." Poppy laughed

"I swear I didn't do i- wait you're not mad?" I said with a shaky tone

"I mean I was at the start but I can't be mad forever, I love you too much!" Poppy giggled

My hands started to shake even more, the quick and sharp shaky breathes definitely making enough sound to be heard. I was so panicked that I forgot how to socialise like a normal person.

"Uhh thanks pinkie poo...?" I shivered

"Pinkie poo? God never call me that nickname again!" Poppy laughed

I was so embarrassed, I can't believe my dumbass said that! My jaw clenched, I kept my head held down as I tried to recover from the social suicide I was committing.

"Well I'm sure town people will forgive you soon, but as queen I must get going. I have to plan a birthday party for king trollex!" Poppy explained her whole day

"Yeah love yo-" I was cut off as Poppy hung up.

She definitely didn't hear my message. My hands got so slippery that I dropped my phone face first onto the floor. Shards of glass flew upwards, I dogged most of them, only a few scratching my toes. The whole screen was toast, shattering into a mega huge pile everywhere.

"FUCK! I just got my screen fixed man." I said sadly.

I went to pick up my broken phone but the entire case was covered in silvery pieces of screen glass. My hand sliced at the touch of glass, causing my body to shake forward and fall to my knees. The skin on my knees was pierced with the glass covers, bruises starting to form on the face of my legs. I stood up but my feet flew forward, ending in me walking across the glass mess.

I fixed my body up and limped towards a safe area, my feet constantly stepping on the glass caused me to slip over completely. Again. Then my eyes shuttered as My whole body went landing on my stomach and my chin hitting the cold floor.

My body was shaking extremely as my eyes slowly looked down to my neck, two sharp shards piercing right into my throat. I didn't want to move my mouth in case I made the injury worse.  It wasn't a deep cut but the complete shock hurt more than the pain. My body was shaking so fast that you could hear the glass clanking against each other. My eyes looked up at the huge tv starring at me, the big rectangle mocking me.

The dark black screen made it easy for myself to see my own reflection, my head vibrating as I starred into my fearful soul. During my brother's stay everyone had grown so much as a person. They had so much development, something I hadn't worked on for a while. I had stayed the same old depressed runt, watching as my brothers became more likeable and growing as a person. Nobody wants to hang around a miserable person, it can be very draining.

I was very self aware on how terrible it was to be around myself, gosh I couldn't even bare to look in the mirror. I didn't blame anyone for giving up on me, I was so much energy and effort to save again. Save me once, shame on me. Save me twice, shame on me. Save me for the hundredth time, shame! I'm on my own. It was like I was doing it for attention, I felt like a total drama queen. Maybe I liked the attention? Or maybe I wasn't given enough attention at all? Of course I wasn't doing it for the attention! My mind was slowly driving itself insane to think that.

My eyes contained to watch my pitiful cut body on the floor, I wasn't bothered about the pain anymore. I was embarrassed on how much of a clumsy idiot fool I was.

I reached my hand out for the tv stand to pick myself up but instead I just caused the furniture to wobble and shake. The tv swung back and forth as it fell forward onto my head, smashing at impact. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as all the glass shards smashed all over me. Then I gave out one last loud gasp and fainted.

Floyds pov:

"Gosh thanks for the welcome everyone!" Asher clapped and waved her hand around

The new girl was pretty neat, only the fact I couldn't remember anything that happened was a little off putting. Brandy hadn't awoken yet, so nobody actually knew what happened. We all just went off Asher's story. I turned my head and watched as tiny diamond leaned over my shoulder and clung onto me like a baby.

"Big dude is giving me big chills." Tiny diamond groaned and pointed to Asher

"Don't be mean, she's just a child. We need to give everyone a chance." I assured

"I'm all for the love and rainbows but grape girl looks like a fat liar." Tiny diamond snarled

"I mean I wish I could remember but I can't." I shook my head

"Asher told us her hand was broken but she's waving it around perfectly fine. Stupid bitch." Tiny scoffed

"TINY! Don't swear!" I gasped

He was right, Asher told us a lot of things. Her story wasn't adding up in the end, we were all just blindly believing her.

"Good point, her hand looks very Un-broken." I mentioned

Then it clicked! Watching Asher's hand set off a mini brain wave, a vision of Brandy and Asher wrestling above me and branch.

"Dude looks like you saw ghosts!" Tiny giggled

"I think i just remembered what happened." I shook my head

"Oooh drama! Corn me dingles!" Tiny diamond clapped as Mr dinkles shot him a bag of pop corn.

Where did Mr dinkles come from?!

"Well I did remember... just lost it! Dam." I coughed

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