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Branch's pov:

I woke up to poppy shaking me awake, she was so energetic for 6 in the morning.

"Branch! Let's go outside!" Poppy clapped.

"Ugh, it's so early." I groaned.

I literally had dark circles under my eyes still. Poppy was so cute how she got so excited. I sat up stretched my arms and yawned. I was instantly pulled out of bed by poppy and she dragged me outside. She made so much noise it woke everyone up. Before we left poppy literally hugged every single one of my brother, my very tired brothers.

We left my bunker and the sun burned my eyes. We walked through troll town as poppy hugged and waved to everyone on the way. It was adorable. Then my heart stopped. Poppy ran up to a familiar looking troll. It was the same troll that taught me how to use a cigarette! Poppy hugged the stranger and he was giving me a glare the whole time he hugged her. Poppy returned to me and saw something was bothering me.

"Who's that?" I growled.

"Oh! That's Dante, he's new to town." Poppy explained.

"I hate him." I snapped.

"Oh branch don't be jealous" poppy teased.

Poppy didn't know the full story of 'Dante' what a stupid name. Dante was a orange troll with green hair. He looked like a fucken carrot. How embarrassing, he looked worse in the sunlight. I guess I didn't realise how ugly Dante was because last time I saw him it was night. I could literally go on all day about how much Dante sucked.

"Branch look! Cake!" Poppy jumped with joy.

Poppy was pointing to a new cake store which opened. She ran off leaving me behind. I slowly followed her to the shop before I felt a pair of hands around my waist. I snapped my head backwards and it was Dante.

"Hey branch~ how are you?" Dante laughed.

I pushed Dante off me, he was slurring his words. Dante Reeked of smoke. How did poppy even hug him. Poppy was to sweet for this world. Dante reached forward and grabbed both my wrists harshly. He was basically lifting me off the floor. I coughed in pain, I felt my heart beat rapidly. Dante was strong, super strong. I felt Dante's other hand wrap around my waist and pulled me in tighter. Our body's pressing against each other, what a freak! Both my hands were above my head and my struggles couldn't help me. Dante leaned in and I could smell his breath over my face. He squeezed my wrists tighter and I left out a heavy scream. His grip was painful, it left bright purple bruises on my skin. Poppy heard my scream and snapped her vision to me.

Poppy sprinted over in full speed and tackled Dante. Dante let go of me and I fell backwards. Poppy wrapped both her hands around Dante's neck and began to choke him. I clutched my heart trying to regain the air to my lungs.

"Stay away from my boyfriend!" Poppy screamed loudly.

I was still on floor shocked, I felt a grin come over my face. The pleasure of watching Dante get strangled was awfully comforting. Poppy had made quite the scene as guy diamond and biggie pulled poppy off Dante. Guy diamond was holding poppy back as she reached out for Dante.

"Poppy not in-front of mr Dinkles!" Biggie covered mr dinkles eyes.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Poppy huffed, slightly out of breath.

Dante stood back up, wiped his shirt and sprinted off into the bushes. Guy diamond dropped poppy and she offered me a hand. I took her hand pulling myself up.

"Thank you poppy.." I hugged poppy tightly.

"I'm sorry branch! I didn't know he was like that.." poppy sniffled.

"No it's not your fault... me and him just had bad past encounter." I explained to poppy.

Poppy's eyes widened as she pulled away from me.

"Has he hurt you before?" Poppy covered her mouth.

"No i- don't worry about it! I'm fine now." I comforted her.

Poppy leaned in for another another hug. She pointed to the cake store again and I nodded. Me and poppy walked into the store, cake was literally everywhere. Poppy glanced over all the sweet treats finding the one she wanted. There was one cake that stood out. It was orange with green icing. Dante. Poppy smashed the cake into little bits. The store owner ran over shocked. Poppy realised what she did and laughed it off.

"Whoops haha... I'll pay for it." Poppy laughed it off.

Poppy grabbed another cake and paid for them both. We walked out the store and poppy scratched her head.

"Wow that was expensive." Poppy chuckled reaching out and holding my hand.

"You didn't have to smash the cake." I replied.

"You know I did." Poppy growled.

Poppy reached into the box of cake and took a bite, she mumbled a quick 'not worth the price' and returned to eating it. Poppy grabbed another piece and offered it to me.

"Want a piece?" Poppy questioned.

My breath hitched for a second. What if... no nevermind. I won't get fat off one piece. I took the piece of cake and ate it. Too sweet for my liking. Then me and poppy returned to the bunker. Poppy said she had more things to do as Queen today and left me. John dory's waved, he was petting Rhonda... WAIT! RHONDA!

"why is Rhonda in the bunker!" I screamed.

"She was getting lonely!" John Dory said in a baby voice.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom, Rhonda was already in the bunker no point removing her. The ground shook every time Rhonda moved.

"John Dory make Rhonda calm down!" I yelled from out the door.

I turned to the mirror, floyd was in the bathroom too.

"Hey Floyd" I waved.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Floyd giggled.

Floyd was shaving his legs, he winked at me and  put his razor on the counter.

"I gotta stay handsome" Floyd laughed.

My eyes went to the razor on the bench. Floyd grabbed it away from me and scoffed.

"Don't think about that stuff man." Floyd said softly.

"I wasn't, I- sorry" I replied sadly.

"Don't be sorry" floyd patted me on the back.

Floyd took his razor and left the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and... I looked so fat. I should of eaten that cake. What if poppy doesn't like me anymore... she probably will think I'm disgusting. I cant loose her... I love her! I kneeled down at the toilet and puked. I stood up and wiped my mouth, gross. I washed my hands, stood back and looked at myself. Much better. I walked out the bathroom like nothing happened, John Dory was playing with Rhonda while clay was yelling at him. Hilarious!

"Rhonda stop jumping" Clay laughed.

"She's just happy!" John Dory fell over by Rhondas stomps.

I didn't even know how Rhonda got in here, then I looked at the massive hole in the wall. Of course, I face palmed myself.

(I just realised all the brothers names are related to nature. The more you know 🤯)

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