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Floyd's pov:
(Flash back)

"You guys sucked tonight!" John Dory growled

"Us? You forgot the lyrics!" Spruce yelled

it was the second show of our new tour and we already messed up. I mean we were teenagers and the internet would forget sooner or later.

"Johnny..." bitty B mumbled in fear

John Dory and spruce would always rough house to the point of blood and bruises. Not to make the situation worse but Clay would join in from time to time. I picked baby branch up and covered his eyes as I watched John Dory smack spruces face into the door.

"Get off me asshole!" Yelled spruce

This fight was definitely one of the worse I could ever remember. I yelled for grandma to come and fix this mess but I guess she wasn't home. I then remembered that grandma had taken Clay out to buy some groceries. I definitely couldn't stop this fight physically and my words weren't enough. So I just stood there holding branch, hoping they would stop.

Spruce grabbed John dory's hair and started to rip it out as John kneed him in the stomach. Before I knew it, bitty B had jumped out of my arms and ran towards John Dory. I tried to pull branch back it he was already to far.

Bitty B jumped and tugged on John dory's pants. I guess John Dory didn't notice because he whacked branch straight in the face.

Branch fell backwards with a bloody nose and tears dripping down his face.

"Bitty B I didn't mean to... LOOK WHAT YOU DID SPRUCE!" John Dory yelled

"ME?! YOU PUNCHED HIM" spruce yelled back

"YOU MOVED MY ARM!" John Dory yelled

And they were back at it again. I grabbed branch from the floor and hugged his body tightly. I wiped the blood off his nose with my thumb and covered his ears. I looked behind me to see spruce and John Dory tearing at each others faces.

"Do you ever stop?" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you ever shut up? You act like the world is peace and love!" John Dory yelled at me.

"John don't have a go at Floyd." Spruce grabbed John dory's arm

"Maybe it would be peace and love without you two!" I screamed back, defending myself.

"He's not the baby brother anymore. I can do whatever the fuck I like." John Dory pushed spruce off.

I put branch on the floor and stormed over to John Dory. Everyone thought I was the weak one because I was nice. Not now they won't.

Spruces pov:

I was pushed away from John Dory and I stumbled back into the door. His fight was done with me but now he was picking a fight with Floyd. Sometimes I think John Dory likes getting his ass kicked.

"Spruce?" Branch mumbled

"What is it branch?" I raised my eyebrow

"Why do we always fight?" Branch questioned

"Because we're broken."  I rolled his eyes

"But I don't feel broken?" Branch giggled

Then branch started to feel around his body for any broken bones to prove his point. I snickered watching my baby brother not understand what I meant. Poor thing.

"Not like that branch." I scoffed

"Then like what?" Branch asked curiously

Then a loud bang happened. Me and branches head turned to Floyd on top of John Dory! It looked like Floyd was winning the fight.

Secretly I was hoping for Floyd to win. I started to softly chant 'fight' as Floyd freaking tackled John Dory.

The door slammed open as grandma and Clay entered the room. Grandma screamed as she pulled the two apart. The second John Dory saw grandma he stopped fighting and tried to act like an angel.

"I have told you two boys to cut it out!" Grandma scolded

"It was Floyd's fault!" John Dory yelled

"Nuh ah!" Floyd groaned

"Oooh~ the girls are fighting." Clay snickered.

"Shut up Clay!" Floyd and John Dory yelled.

Grandma then sent John Dory and Floyd to their separate rooms and put away the groceries. I picked baby branch up and gave him over to Clay. I was never the best with kids, maybe because I always had adults obsessing over me.

Sometimes I felt really uncomfortable, I was 15 years old and had a bunch of adult women fan girling over me. It was like I was going to be groomed or something. Well it never officially happened to me the fear was always there.

Every time after the show I would cover my body up and stay away from any weird fans. Another thing was the meet ups. The fans would get extremely touchy during the meetings which made me extremely uncomfortable and awkward.

I watched as baby branch reached his hands out for me as Clay carried him away. I felt almost bad... but I had to worry about my new diet plans or whatever John Dory set up for me.

Clays pov:

"I want to go with spruce!" Branch called out

"I'm fun too! Let's go to my room" I giggled

I carried branch to my room and sat him on the floor. I went and grabbed a tiny box from underneath the bed labeled 'private' and opened it up. I pulled out a small children's book and held it out to branch.

"Why do you hide books?" Branch questioned

"John dory thinks they'll make me boring. I like reading sometimes though." I smiled

"Do you want me to read you one?" I repeated

Branch threw his hands up and reached for the book labeled 'girl in pieces.' I quickly slid the book away from his reach and pulled out another book tilted 'the princess and the frog.' It was my childhood favourite.

"I want to read the pink book" branch asked

"Sorry branch you're too young for that one." I giggled

"I'm actually a big boy!" Bitty B giggled

"Big boys don't wear diapers branchy." I joked

Branch then stomped his feet and came to a stop. I started to read the book slowly as branch feel asleep. Cute.

( I'm 100% stalling for the finale. Anyways the it's really sad how half the fandom died but that's how most fandoms are. Love yall)

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