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Floyd's pov:

Flames, everywhere! The whole fire was engulfing the entire town at this point. Many residents fled from their homes as the houses were turned to ash. I tried to save as many people as I could but it was too much work! I needed to tend to myself, I quickly drove away from the fire as the flames grew higher and higher.

My eyes widened at the sight of our 'new friend' Asher, she was just standing there laughing. We could really use someone her size, it would help alot.

"Asher help us!" Clay begged

"I don't feel like it." Asher rolled her eyes

"Please!" A background troll screamed as her house burnt down.

Today was a pretty tragic day. All you could hear were screams from children and adults, it was like nobody could save us now. With a quick flash Asher swung her hand over the flames, putting them out in a flash. The fire quickly died down as we were saved!

"Thank god!" Bruce gasped

"You won't be thankful for long." Asher snickered

In a quick zap, the ground shook as the large mount rageon tried to grab at us! Asher quickly took hold of John Dory and shoved him into a bag. Bruce and Clay tried to break John Dory from his cage but just got flicked off.

"No troll left behind!" Poppy yelled out

Soon Poppy tried to be heroic and save John Dory, instead it ended in her being captured as-well. It was a terrifying sight, everyone kept screaming and screaming as we were invaded.

Then my memories snapped back, I remembered how this girl was on the bad side! She wasn't our friend... she was just using us.

"You traitor!" Bruce growled from the floor

The saddest thing was the betrayal never came from the enemies. Instead those closest to you.

"We would have never done this to you!"  I cried out

I dug my fingers into the burnt grass and gripped it tightly as thick streams of salty tears dripped down my face. I was crushed.

Then Asher stood up and left, taking Poppy and John Dory with him. They were taken without any warning.

"What do we do?!" Clay gasped

"We need our brother!" I threw my hands up

"We obviously need John Dory back, way to state the obvious Floyd." Bruce snickered in this moment of weakness

"Not John Dory! We need branch!" I crossed my arms tightly

"Gosh we messed up big time didn't we?" Clay sniffled

"Oh we definitely fucked up." Tiny diamond said from behind us all

Branch's pov during/ before the fire had started :

Those ungrateful brats! I did my best and I still failed. Well not this time, I have a branch new attitude and I plan to wear it.

I don't care what they think. If they must hate me.. so be it! See if I care. They'll all come running back to me, they always do.

I limped back to my bunker and slammed the door shut, I locked the latch so nobody could enter, it was rusty and old but I had it replaced recently so I could actually shut.

"Confidence is key!" I held my hands on my hips.

I tried to cheer myself up with a little confidence, I could keep up with this self hating anymore. But in reality I didn't want any help from anyone.

I starred at myself in the reflect of our broken tv. For some reason I still couldn't bare to look at myself. I walked over to the kitchen and tightly wrapped my fist in a cloth. Taking my anger out on things helped alot, especially when it's my own reflection. I walked over to a shiny painting on the wall, the glare showed my pitiful expression. I lunged my fist forward and smash the painting to bits. Since my hand was wrapped, I couldn't feel a tiny bit of pain. That ruined most of the fun.

"Ugh!" I groaned loudly

I'm exhausted trying to be stronger than I feel. I don't know how many times I have to say this to get the idea stuck in someone's head. Yes I could go on forever being unhappy, but I didn't want to! I didn't want to keep suffering like this!

But I was now afraid to die, the consequences were too much.

Floyd's pov:

Me, bruce, Clay and tiny diamond all rushed towards branches bunker. Viva had stayed back with king peppy to help the trolls without homes now. It was a sweet gesture and the fire needed as much help as it could get.

"His door is locked, mission is a bust." Tiny diamond groaned

"Tiny we never give up on a locked door!" Bruce giggled

"Creepy... boundaries man." Tiny mumbled

Soon Bruce kicked the door open and we all
Flooded into the bunker. It wasn't like we couldn't fix the door later, we needed to talk to branch as soon as possible.

"Branch we need you!" Bruce called out

"And I'm sorry!" Clay apologised

Soon branch walked into the room with his hands hidden behind his back.

"What the fuck!" Branch threw his hands up.

My eyes gasped as I noticed thick red lines across his write and ankles. It was a nightmare, he basically destroyed all the skin on his inner surface.

"What did you do...." Bruce gasped

"God I'm sorry I relapse at any minor convenience." Branch growled

"We need your help, that's why we are here." Clay explained

"Mhm, you only talk to me when you need something." Branch rolled his eyes

I felt so silent... I couldn't say anything. All I could do was stare at the thick streaks, it made me stick to the stomach.

"John dory and Poppy have been captured!" Clay shouted out

"Oh really? Okay I don't care." Branch growled

"But- they're your family!" Bruce's eyes widened

"And I thought you guys were my family." Branch sniffled, a touch of sadness to his voice

(Sorry if there's spelling mistakes but I'm so tired. I had so much school work and shift work today so please enjoy this shit show. #lifehasburntmeout)

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