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(I'm sooo sorry for all the spelling mistakes in the last chapter, I edit all my chapters at like 1 am. I try my best to update daily so mistakes are definitely going to be there. Prepare yourself for this chapter because it's pretty wild.)

Branch's pov:

I shot my head up to knocking at my door, the door instantly swung open. I crossed my fingers that it was Floyd, he was the only one I felt I didn't need to hide things around. My heart stopped as I saw a pink head peak through the door.

"Poppy..." I gasped

"Branch... what- what did you do." Poppy gasped back covering her mouth.

I backed up covering myself from her. The blood covered literally my whole arm, there was no hiding the red. I was sitting on the floor sliding myself away from her.

"What- why are you here?!" I questioned

"You promised to hang out for barbs birthday.." Poppy teared up.

Poppy instantly ran up to me and pulled me close to her, Poppy had tears rolling down her face staining onto my chest. I tried to pull away from the hug but she was holding on so strongly. Poppy noticed the shiny blade still in tips of my fingers, she acted on impulse trying to pull it away from me.

"No! No NO!" I shouted back trying to push her off.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" Poppy screamed

She succeeded in talking it away from me, tossing it far away from my reach. I kept trying to push her off but she was holding on like a leach! I used all my remaining strength to knock her off into a wall, the wall had a loud bang as poppy's rag doll body fell against it. Poppy was probably the strongest girl I knew as she regained her strength picking herself up.

"I don't want to hurt you! Please get away!" I cried holding myself together

"Do you not understand how this hurts me branch!?! You're hurting me!" Poppy sobbed

"I'm sorry! I- get away from me!" I whined

"I thought you got better! Why are you doing this to me!" Poppy argued

"Are you seriously doing this right now!? I've tried to get better but it's hard to do when everything IS ABOUT YOU!" I harshly pointed my finger at her.

Poppy definitely was heart broken, I could see the pain flowing through her body.

"BECAUSE ITS ABOUT US!" Poppy yelled.

"WHY DO I HAVE TO INVOLVE YOU IN MY PROBLEMS." I yelled, the angry slowly taking over.

"because you being in pain is hurting me branchy..." Poppy cried

"why do I have to treat you like a princess. What about me?! I CAN BE A FUCKEN PRINCESS TOO!" I screamed.

I couldn't take it anymore, I shoved Poppy outside my door and slammed it tightly. I gripped both my hands against the door knob holding it tightly closed. I could feel Poppy rattling the door trying to open it, I kept holding it shut praying she would let go.

Floyd's pov:

I woke up from the fun night I shared with my brothers, I loved how we could finally bond over a couple drinks. Some loud yelling and crying caught my attention, I yawned and stretched my arms above my head. I was bent backwards over the side of the couch, falling off the side of it upside down. I followed the sound of the crying towards branch's door. Poppy had her head pressed against the door, crying violently.

"Poppy! Are you alright!?" I questioned

Poppy pressed her hand against the door, banging harshly.

"Branch... he's in there! He's hurt." Poppy cried

I felt my heartbeat speed up instantly, I knew how branch was. I also knew how he wasn't getting better these past days at all. Everyone else's was quite oblivious when it came down to the 'small' details. I could see through all of branch's lies, I actually used to have some sort of depression during brozones separation, so this stuff wasn't new to me. I walked forward lifting Poppy out of the way gently, I tried to open the door but it wasn't budging.

"Branch you open this door right now." I ordered

No reply, it was silent, except for the crying of Poppy, she was basically wailing her heart out. Poor thing, I've never seen her so worked up.

"Branch don't ignore me. Open the door now!" I yelled.

"He's not responding! What if he-" Poppy wailed.

I couldn't take it anymore, I stepped back and with all my might I kicked the door down. My foot went straight through the wooden door, the hinges flying off. I rushed into the room searching high and low, but branch wasn't in there? I turned to the obvious answer on the wall,  it was a giant escape hole which looked like it was planned months ago. He must of been hiding this hole behind a painting or something. What movie type shit was this?!

"He's gone...?" Poppy sobbed

"He's gone." I groaned.

I crouched down at the floor sliding my hand in a pool of blood, I couldn't imagine how bad he was hurting to keep trying to hide himself from us.

"Call Bruce." I demanded

I wasn't usually so direct and rude but I was pretty stressed right now, I couldn't wait around for a miracle to happen.

"What why?" Poppy questioned

"Me and him are going to find him. Wake John Dory as-well." I instructed

"I'm coming too." Poppy demanded

"No." I groaned.

Poppy looked taken back at how I rejected her, I probably would have let her come if she wasn't a total mess right now.

"I mean this in the nicest way Poppy, your crying will only slow us down." I tried to be polite

"Please find him." Poppy cried

Poppy tried to stand up and give me a hug but she fell to her knees before reaching me. Poppy placed both her hands flat on the ground continually crying her soul out.

"We're brothers. We always find each other." I smiled to comfort her.

Branch's pov:

I took the easy way out. Yes I could have stayed and 'talked my way through it' blah blah blah. But honestly when has talking gotten anyone anywhere? I sprinted faster then anything, I didn't know where I was going but it needed to be far away, my feet were so sore from all the sprinting but my heart kept me going. I accidentally bumped into a tall figure, Clay. Why was everyone everywhere, this wasn't how I planned this to go.

"Branch are you alright... Omg! Are you alright?!" Clay gasped as his eyes drifted to my arm.

I wasn't wearing my hoodie anymore to cover myself up, I was back to wearing Floyd's leafy jacket. The one he gave me before he left. I placed my over hand over my scars and pushed past Clay quickly. Clays 'brother instincts' kicked in quickly as he began to chase after me. I just kept running, my legs were on flames as tears blew off my face in the wind. I couldn't stop running, Clay was close behind but I was used to running. Just running away from all my problems. Good old branch, the runner.

A bunch of spider creatures crawled out from the bush, the same spider creatures that tried to eat Poppy when we first didn't get along. She would always sing that stupid song 'get back up again!' I think that's how it goes. I lost Clay in a herd of the spider creatures, the more I ran into the herd the more I got lost myself. I found myself being pushed around by giant spiders as I was kicked to the floor. My limp body rolled across the grass as the spiders continued to stomp all over me. It was like that one scene in the lion king when all the buffalo's are running and mufasa falls into them. In this case I was mufasa. I rolled into a ball trying to protect my stomach from the crazy creatures flying at me. One of the spiders got a pretty good stomp at me, the spider shoved its foot into my head, shoving my face into the dirt. After the herd was gone I lifted myself off the floor, my face all bloody from the attack. I looked to my left, one last spider that was getting left behind, then it stomped on my head and it was lights out from there, I was knocked out.

(I'm going to try and dial my chapters down from being so crazy but for the next few it's going to just be complete angst, so prepare.)

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