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Branch's pov:

I was there all alone. Stood in-front of a cliff. Nobody was here to stop me, nobody was here to keep me from jumping. I walked closer to the edge but stopped. Shiver went down my spine. Is this really the end..? Nobody is even here. I don't want to die alone... I picked up my phone and looked at the 300 missed calls from poppy. I looked over the edge of the cliff and it was beautiful. I felt my eyes fill with tears which started rolling down my cheeks. I felt myself fill with emotion, not happiness but complete sadness. I picked up my phone a rung poppy. I guess I'm saving myself today. Poppy instantly picked up the phone and gave a shocked 'BRANCH!' Yell.

"Hey poppy... can you... can you come get me please?" I sobbed into the phone.

I sent her my location and ten minutes poppy showed up and hugged me. I hugged her back and cried into her shoulder.

"Branch don't ever push me away again." Poppy hugged me tighter.

I just begged her to go home now. Which she said yes to. Poppy held my hand the entire time as we walked home. Then she took me to my bunker. I opened the hatch and saw Bruce! I was pretty happy that he was back. Then out behind him it was clay too!

"Oh branch I have to see my dad! But I'll check on you later alright? Stay safe." Poppy said before letting go.

I pulled her back in and kissed her cheek. I whispered into her ear 'I love you' and she giggled. Then poppy let go and skipped off. I watched as she left, Poppy always looked on the brighter side of things. I felt a hand hit my shoulder, it was Bruce.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your family?" I questioned.

"So I actually brought them here... poppy let them stay in the town for a while like a vacation." Bruce chuckled.

"Branch I'm happy to see you so happy now! Everything is good now? Right?" Clay clapped his hands.

I just replied with a quick 'mhm' then Clay high fived me and sat onto one of the couches in my living room.

"So you guys are staying again?" I questioned again.

"Yeah, so poppy rang me and told me everything. So she offered to watch vacation island with viva! So she let me and brandy stay." Bruce explained.

"Oh? Poppy's leaving? So I can spend time with you?" I smiled, she was such a good girlfriend.

"Hey clay? Where'd you go?" Bruce asked clay.

Yeah clay had been gone for a few days now! I wonder where he went. He just disappeared some times.

"Oh yeah, sad book club. I went overnight." He laughed.

I sat next to Clay on the couch and then realised. Where was Floyd and John Dory! I haven't seen them since I drugged them.... Oops. Maybe they are still in their rooms.

"Where's Floyd and JD?" I asked Bruce.

"Oh shit where are they?" Bruce gasped.

I picked up my phone and rang Floyd, it rung for a while and then he picked up. 'Branch are you alright?!' He screamed into the phone. I gotta get used to people screaming into the phone.

"Yeah... come back to troll town we're all here." I softly laughed.

Then I hung up the phone and put it away. Bruce walked up to me and handed me a crumbled up piece or cardboard. I opened it and gasped slightly, it was the drawing I made as a kid, with the 7 story water slide. He kept it...

"Yeah poppy gave it to us. I felt bad about that fight we had when we were saving Floyd, but I'm sure we could be a family in here for a little while. It could work" Clay budged in.

I smiled. It was a fake one, but atleast my brothers though I was happy. Honestly seeing us together is all I've ever wanted. This time, I smiled for real.

"So you really built this whole place for us?" Bruce questioned.

"Yeah... I thought you guys would come back... and you never did. But that's alright your here now." I laughed.

"You still look pretty beat up... wanna talk about it?" Clay whined.

"No." I said with a low growl.

Then my bunker door flew open. John Dory ran in and hugged me. I absolutely hated this.

"John put him down. He's a adult." Floyd pushed John Dory off.

"He's still my little baby bro." John Dory hugged tighter.

"Ugh! Stop." I pushed him off.

He knew how much I hated being called a baby. I'm a full grown adult! Whatever.

"Branch I'm so pissed at you for drug- omg! Your colour is fully Back! Baby branch!" John Dory clapped.

"Drugged..? Huh?" Clay questioned.

"Let's not talk about it." Floyd laughed.

John Dory kept hugging me, soon I just gave in. I have put him through so much, I feel bad. I'm happy he worry's about me. Wait.. yeah I'm happy! I still hated this hug.

"Hey Bruce, Clay you're back?" John Dory said letting go of me and high-fiving them.

Bruce handed John Dory my drawing and whispered in his ear. Then John Dory nodded and whispered in Floyd's ear. All 4 of my brothers looked at eachother and nodded. It's not like I was in the same room! Oh wait I am. They are literally talking shit infront of me!

"Branch, I guess we're gonna be a family for a while." Floyd smiled.

I felt my heart beat faster... a family. Finally. Then Bruce slumped down on the couch, I could see he had a few suitcases everywhere and clay had a bag full of books. That's ironic.

"Hey Floyd, do you have any sleeping pills? Kids have been giving me a rough time." Bruce explained.

Then John Dory and Floyd looked over at me and burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh no! Never again. No pills!" Floyd laughed.

I just rolled my eyes, very funny...

"Oh and branch..." John Dory walked up to me.

I looked up at him a mumbled out a quick 'hm?' It was pretty soft so you couldn't here it.

"Drugging me was one thing. But touch Rhonda again and I swear I'll beat the shit out of you." John Dory chuckled.

"John dory! Chill man. Not cool." Clay pulled him away.

Bruce took back the drawing and examined it, then he handed it to me. It looked the same since I made it, just a few crumbles.

"We'll branch, which room is ours?" Bruce asked.

"Follow me" I smiled.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now