Its not fate yet.

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( this is happening the same time as the last chapter )

Clays pov:

I was sitting in a corner of Rhonda reading one of my favourite books, I was trying my best to distract myself from any stress. Rhonda kept going over bumps on the road, making me loose my page.

"It's starting to rain." Bruce mentioned

"We should return home now." John Dory stated

"No we have to keep looking! We're so close I can feel it!" Poppy screamed

"We can't search when we're exhausted, come on queen I'll take you home." John Dory explained.

I closed my book and put it away, I looked out the window and it was pouring with rain. Viva must be taking care of the golf trolls, I was going to text her but all the power went out. All the road lights switched off and Rhonda came to a hard stop.

"What is happening?" Bruce questioned

"Must be the storm, let's hurry back home."  Floyd chuckled

Rhonda started up again and ran at light speed, me and Bruce were staying with Floyd and John Dory so we could stay together and look for branch. We were family, and we weren't going to become a family of 4 so soon. We arrived at troll town and dropped queen Poppy off with viva, I thought it would be best if Poppy and her sister could comfort each other. We all made our way down into the bunker flopping on the couch defeated, we were unsuccessful for another day.

"I can't believe branch built this whole bunker." Bruce giggled

"You could never do something that impressive" Floyd joked.

Bruce ran up and tackled Floyd holding him to the ground in a brotherly way. Floyd squirmed under Bruce as he struggled to escape. Bruce brought his hand up and messed up Floyd's hair, Floyd started to scream like a girl.

"Knock it off you two!" John Dory chuckled.

Floyd and Bruce looked at each other and then looked at me. I could tell they were suggesting something and I was ready to lighten the mood. I was normally serious but I always had time to goof around with my bros.

"Get him!" Bruce yelled as he pointed his finger to the sky

Me, Floyd and Bruce ran as full speed charging at John Dory, we all flopped on top of John Dory piling onto him.

"Guys get off I'm old!" John Dory giggled.

"Not until you say I'm the best!" Bruce laughed

"You're the best!" John Dory winced in pain

Then we all rolled off John Dory, all giggling on the floor, I picked myself up and dusted my outfit. Soon after the power returned, all our phones up in signal. I sent viva a quick message 'hope you're okay, stay safe.' And placed my phone on the counter.

"Fun boy Clay is back!" John Dory snickered

"No no! Only serious boy Clay. Yeah" I poked my tongue out.

Floyd was laughing loudly until he picked his phone up, then Floyd went dead silent. It was freaking us all out. Floyd's face was pale, his body shaking drastically, I got super nosey and peaked over his shoulder towards his phone. I saw the message sent from branch... it was a suicide note. My heart pounded quickly.

"We need to go now." Floyd stuttered

"What why?" John Dory questioned.

"NOW!" Floyd cried.

Floyd fell backwards and I caught him, helping him keep balance. I pulled the phone out of his hand handing it to John Dory and then he handed it to Bruce. We all went full panic mode rushing up the elevator and into Rhonda. John Dory sat in the front seat pushing Rhonda on full blast, the rain hitting the sides of Rhonda loudly. It was like a movie chase scene, only that I was terrified for real this time.

"We're never going to find him in time!" I panicked

"He- h- he left his l-location on!" Floyd cried loudly, only barely getting his words out.

I grabbed the phone and showed it to John Dory, branch was in the middle of nowhere. I walked back over to Floyd helping him sit down and breathe. Floyd was having a mental breakdown, breathing and crying his heart out.

"It's okay man we're going to find him." I comforted Floyd.

"ITS NOT OKAY!" Floyd sobbed.

I held Floyd closely to my body, wiping the tears falling from his eyes. Bruce came and sat down with us, holding Floyd's hand in his.

"Floyd man you need to breathe, you're still weak yourself." Bruce explained

Floyd wasn't showing any signs of calming down, he just got more worked up as time passed. Floyd was shaking violently, I could feel the vibrations of his heart pounding. I couldn't help but freak out myself, my whole world was crashing down.

"Drive faster John!" Bruce yelled.

"Rhonda can only go so fast bro!" John Dory screamed back.

It felt like we were driving for hours, the whole ride going in slow mode, I was praying for a miracle right now and I don't think I'm the only one thinking it. We came to a stop, Rhonda breaked hard, we all flew forwards from the force of Rhonda. Floyd rushed forwards towards the door trying to pull it open, his weak body failing dramatically.

"Floyd I'll go first, don't panic yourself to death." John Dory said taking the lead.

John dory's pov:

I helped Floyd back into clays arms as I stepped out of Rhonda, the sun still barely shining. I wasn't going to waste any day light, I rushed forward in full speed. All my back pain seemed to disappear, I felt young again. I sped my feet up and I cut through vines and leaves, keeping my pace up. My feet came to a stop, my heart heavy and my legs shaking. This is something I never wanted to experience, my baby brother standing by himself with a rope to his neck. My eyes went wide, I thought he was gone... dead. But my hopes were quickly returned as I saw branch move slightly. The moment was tense, my muscles all tightening up. I couldn't help but stare, it ached my soul knowing that branch was going through so much. Branch stepped forward ready to end his story, but I wasn't ready for him to go. Not yet. I didn't want to go his funeral knowing I could have changed the outcome. I knew what I had to do. I gripped my fist tightly, I will not let our family become another broken story. Not again.

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