It hurts.

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Branch's pov:

It was early in the day in troll town, all the residents introducing themselves to the brand new mount rageon. Everytime I tried to explain myself, people turned their backs before I could get a word out. I got called a monster over a thousand times today because this kid framed me. I would never lay my hand on a child. Brandy and Floyd were still unconscious, the fall must of be worse than it seemed. Nobody was here to defend me, this child had all the power over me.

I was relaxing in my own bunker, trying to get away from all the snarky comments until my door blasted open. Bruce entered my bunker and travelled down the elevator slowly.

"Bruce? Why'd you visit?" I questioned confused

Bruce walked up to me and slapped me hard across the cheek. The aftermath of the slap hurt and stung badly, my cheek getting an imprint of his hand.

"How dare you hurt my wife! Are you insane!?" Bruce growled

"I didn't do that! How would I even manage to do that?!" I scoffed

"I don't know and I don't care, keep your hands off my family!" Bruce snarled

"But I am your family." I whispered

"Not much of one." Bruce shrugged

My heart pounded, nobody believed me. Not like they ever did. Even John Dory had refused to talk to me, the guy lives rent free in my house!

"Get out." I growled

I wanted to be more assertive with myself, not being a pushover. I've always felt like a doormat, if I wanted something done I had to make it happen.

"I said GET OUT!" I yelled

Bruce stormed out of my bunker and slammed the latch, who did he think he was? Storming into the home that I built for us? He wasn't grateful for one thing I did! Though could I really blame him? Everyone thought I hurt Floyd and Brandy, I had no proof. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face when they get proven wrong.

John dory's door opened as he came into the kitchen to grab some snacks. My head drifted towards him, giving out a nervous smile. John Dory slowly looked at me and turned his head away quickly letting a small 'hmph!' Part from his lips.

The feeling of rejection hurt, but it could only hurt so many times till you got used to it. I was on the verge of another break down, not one that I would cry though. The type of breakdown where I was going to destroy everything in the house! But that wouldn't look good for my new title being the towns 'monster' again.

My phone dinged, Floyd had awoken! I quickly packed my stuff up and rushed to the emergency room. Floyd saw the whole thing, he would definitely defend me. I made it quickly to the room, being the first one there. The doctors let me through and I tapped Floyd's shoulder gently.

"Morning, still sore?" I questioned

"I can't remember anything..." Floyd rubbed his head

The luck was really on my side today. I had again, nobody to defend me.

"Can you remind me?" Floyd asked hopefully

"This child knocked you and Brandy out and now I'm getting framed for it!" I blabbered on

"A child? Seriously... branch don't be a fool and tell me what actually happened." Floyd snickered

Not even he believed me. I had to get out of here, my lungs were quickly tightening as I felt a coming panic attack about to take place. I rushed out the emergency room, pushing past Bruce and Clay who were probably here to visit Floyd. They both had furious expressions on their faces, I could care less though. They were my brothers not my father so I could be as mean as I wanted.

I ran out of the whole building, trying to make my way back home. I was shortly stopped by a small glitter hand! It was Guy diamond.

"Hey Guy?" I spoke confused

"I heard all the gossip about you already Mann~!" Guy diamond said in his auto tune voice

"Yeah, came to remind me how sick and twisted I am?" I chuckled

"Nah I don't believe you could ever take down Brandy, don't boost your ego~!" Guy diamond giggled

"Glad someone doesn't think I'm evil." I face palmed

I nodded to Guy diamond and continued to make my way home, he calmed my mood and stress down completely. I feel a lot better, now I could go home and rest without any worry.

On my way home I noticed a huge crowd surrounding Asher, including my brothers and Floyd! I guess they were introducing themselves to our new guest. If only Floyd remembered what happened this whole thing could end. I felt super jealous... I never got this attention as a child. I envy the way my brothers treated and played with her. It wasn't fair!

I made my way home and slouched on the couch, I couldn't keep my anger in anymore! I jumped onto my feet and flipped the couch over, letting out a few groans and screams. I stomped both my feet hard on the ground, this was my story! I wanted to feel important! Was that so wrong? To want to feel important? Everything I had worked so hard for was crushed. This wasn't the first time my achievements had been stripped from me, same thing same feeling. Pain.

I grabbed the tiny coffee table next to the flipped sofa and threw it into the wall, cracks forming by impact. I felt steams blow out of my nose, the anger riled up inside of me. I grabbed a tiny pocket knife off the table, the initials carved JD on the handle. I sliced open the couch cushions, the pure white fluff spilling from the insides. I was a better solution to slicing myself. Though it didn't have the same feeling... not the same satisfaction. I wasn't sure how long this would last before I take action on my own body.

I was trapped in a pool of my own distress, slowing losing my breath and drowning inside. But I never learned how to swim, Aka I never learned how to cope under pressure.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now