All for nothing

267 11 3

Branches pov:

"Are you sure a party will change their minds? I don't know about this." I mumbled

"Of course, listen to your big bro." John Dory snickered.

John Dory wrapped his arm around my neck and gestured towards a field of land that so Happens to be in trolls town.

"This is the perfect place to decorate!" John Dory chuckled

I wasn't in the mood to decorate, my stomach hurt way too much to even move. I kneeled on the floor and laid down face first, what a relief.

"What the hell are you doing?" John Dory questioned

"Fuck- can you just do it?" I groaned

I rolled over onto my back and let out a few angry groans. John Dory yanked my wrist and pulled me back to my feet.

"You need to help, it'll make it special." John Dory snorted

"But everything hurts..." I coughed

"Suck it up princess." John Dory laughed

I then was forced onto my feet and started to hang up streamers. He's lucky I'm not a princess cause I'd have  him beheaded in a heartbeat!

A hour had gone past from hanging out decorations and thick rubbered balloons. This whole party better change things, because I don't know how else to fix the situation. I had a bunch of present boxes filled with sad books just for Clay, I knew he loved reading so why not.

"It's perfect!" John Dory clapped

"I hope he doesn't expect more than perfect.." I held my hands on my hips.

"Let's get our family back together!" John Dory threw his hands up and hugged me close.

"I honestly liked it better when everyone hated you." I chuckled

John Dory pulled away from the hug offended, then he pulled out his phone and dialled the number to Clay. 'Hey Clay, come down here I have a surprise!' John Dory asked into his phone. Then the phone was slipped away into his pocket and he laid back into a wall.

"He's coming?" I questioned

"He will." John Dory assured me

This whole thing seemed a little too good to be true. Trust was something you had to build up for ages but could be taken away in minutes.

Me and John Dory waited for about 30 minutes for Clay to arrive and when he did I didn't expect a whole group to be following. Bruce, Floyd, viva and Poppy all gathering around our shitty little party.

"Gosh did you do this John?" Clay asked

"Branch did all the work, isn't it great!" John Dory clapped his hands together

"Oh..." clays face dropped.

That was not the reaction I was expecting. For some reason everyone just stood around uncomfortably, I didn't really feel welcomed myself. I slowly backed away from the crowd and crossed my arms insecurely.

"Whats wrong? Do you not like it?" John Dory tilted his head confused

"Well I didn't know we were good with branch, kinda a surprise..?" Clay awkwardly chuckled

"Of course we are! Forgive and forget." John Dory snickered

"Yeah but I'm not ready to just forgive and forget you know?" Clay scratched behind his head

"You can't hate him forever?" John Dory raised his eyebrow confused

"I mean I won't, just it's been so soon." Clay smiled awkwardly, his smile cracking at times.

I took the hint and started to leave, I was having an awful time. Utterly hideous. I stepped my feet back in a shaky way and started to walk back to my bunker. I could hear how I was called back by John Dory but I ignored him and left. I didn't want to stand there uncomfortably anyways, I could tell I wasn't liked. I spent half my life without friends and alone, it was depressing.

Clays pov:

I appreciated the nice gift... to an extent but the whole thing was awkward. Yes I loved branch, but this wasn't the time or day to forget everything! Hitting a child and two family members wasn't okay! I mean I felt awfully terrible for Asher, must of been emotionally traumatic.

"Hey it's fine, he'll get over it?" I hoped

"I dunno Clay, people don't just get over things." John Dory replied

"Guys, it's clays birthday let's celebrate!" Bruce chimed in

"It would've been nicer to have the whole family, why do we always need to be apart?" John Dory spoke sadly

"Next time he shouldn't hit my wife." Bruce growled

"Brandy hasn't awaken yet! Did she tell you he apparently 'hit her'" John Dory snarled

He had a fair point, there was no evidence at all. But knowing branch it was a likely story for him to have an outburst. I had so many questions though, like how branch would even be able to take out Brandy? I mean we did take over velvet and veneer once.

"Well no..." Bruce crossed his arms

"Look guys it's my birthday! Please stop fighting." I begged

"Yeah, I have a terrible head ache." Floyd rubbed his head

Since the incident Floyd had this giant bruise on the front of his head. It was a purplish green colour, looked painful.

"Uh guys?" Poppy gasped

"what?" Me, Floyd, Bruce and John Dory said at the same time turning around to look at Poppy.

"We've got a problem." Viva chattered

I turned around and my face lit up with horror. A massive fire had started to light up my birthday party, I was always terrified of fire! I had a yellow glow to my face as I watched everything burn. It wasn't like I cared for any of the tacky decorations, if this was the best they could do... try better!

"What happened?!" John Dory gasped

"Holy shit!" I screamed

Yeah i might have been overreacting a tiny bit but i couldn't help but acting like the world was ending. I shivered extremely as I turned around and tried to run away from the fire. Instead I was stopped by Asher, she stood tall over the whole party and glared my family down.

"Asher thank goodness! Save me!" I cried out

"Save us thank you!" Poppy corrected me

Instead Asher had a huge smirk drilled into her youthful face. Sadly, this wasn't good news.

"Nobody to stop me now, trolls zero, Asher one!" Asher snickered before.... #*€~~'!{*~+|€{!

(Sorry for not uploading yesterday I was soooooo sick.)

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